  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Facebook User Behavior and Online Citizen Participation - the Case Study of TamKang University's Students

指導教授 : 洪美仁


本研究以廣義的公民參與為焦點,探討Facebook是否能夠提升大學生對公共事務的資訊取得、意見分享與討論,以及民意調查和連署活動之參與。過去文獻指出學生族群礙於生活上的不便或本身政治效能感的低落而參與公共事務的程度普遍偏低,而社群媒體具有成本低、便利性高和傳播迅速等優點,故想找出學生族群最常使用的社群媒體是否可以促進其線上公民參與。具體的研究問題包括有: 大學生實際上透過Facebook進行公民參與的經驗為何,對於線上公民參與的看法,以及可能影響線上公民參與的程度高低的主要因素。 本研究透過專家深度訪談法來瞭解Facebook對促進公民參與可能存在的優勢與限制,並以此修正研究架構與問卷設計;本研究接著針對淡江大學學生進行問卷調查,利用線上問卷網站my Survey進行施測,透過Facebook上的張貼,共計取得198個有效樣本,最後利用SPSS 17.0統計軟體進行檢定。 從線上公民參與的問卷結果中可以發現,淡江大學學生目前在實際經驗方面還是處於一個比較低迷的狀況。問卷統計的分析結果指出影響線上公民參與的主要因素仍是實體公民參與和政治效能感。而在Facebook使用行為當中,學習機會動機方面會對線上公民參與的實際經驗有所正面影響,愈是因為學習機會動機而使用Facebook的人,其在線上公民參與的實際經驗來講也會來得愈為豐富;而在線上公民參與主觀評估方面則愈是因為學習機會動機與資訊蒐集動機而使用Facebook的人,其在對於線上公民參與的主觀評估上也會來得更為肯定。 而本研究最後也針對淡江大學大學生的Facebook使用行為、政治效能感以及實體公民參與這些變項之間可能存在的關聯給予適當的建議,期望能提供未來關於線上公民參與研究與實務一些作為參考。


This study focuses on whether or not Facebook can enhance college students’ online citizen participation through obtaining information, sharing opinion and engaging in discussion about important public issues, as well as participating in public opinion surveys and petition activities. Past literature pointed out generally low participation in public affairs among students because of the inconvenience or low political efficacy.New social media such as Facebook has the advantages of low cost and convenience therefore has the potential to encourage more student participation. This study explores college students’ experience of online citizen participation through Facebook, their attitudes toward online citizen participation, and the main factors deciding students’ online citizen participation through Facebook. This study first conducted in-depth interviews with experts to understand the advantages and limitations of Facebook to promote citizen participation. Then an online survey targeting TamKang Unviersity students was conducted with a total of 198 valid samples collected. Data were analyzed using SPSS 17.0 statistical software. Survey results indicate that the level of online citizen participation through Facebook among TamKang University students remain low. The main factors of online citizen participation are expereirence of participation in real life and political efficacy. Hopefully this study provides some evidence about online citizen participation and suggestions about research and practice of online citizen participation in the future.


