  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Human Comfort Criteria Questionnaire Survey to Wind-Induced Motion by Motion Simulator

指導教授 : 張正興


建築物在受到風力擾動的的情況下,除了安全性受到考量以外,內部使用人員的舒適度在結構設計裡也是一個重要的議題,對於現今建築物受風影響造成的振動其舒適度規範的制定長久以來一直備受爭議,其影響原因不只是身體因素,心理與外在環境等也都贈成眾多影響。台灣現今的風力規範訂定之舒適度加速度標準為5 mm/sec2,對應之回歸週期為半年。 為建立在地資料作為未來風力規範改進之參考,本研究使用淡江大學風工程研究中心之振動模擬台,實際進行簡諧振動與真實建築物之隨機振動試驗,獲得實驗調查資料,並建立舒適度規範(2%、10%、50%抱怨百分比)與對應之回歸週期。 由結果得知 1. 舒適度門檻值與頻率密切相關,頻率越高門檻值越低;出現負面抱怨的累積人數越多,門檻值越高。 2. 對於相同加速度而言,頻率越高越容易造成不舒適。 3. 當振動頻率較低的時候,造成負面抱怨的主要原因為尖峰振動。相對的,當振動頻率較高時,造成負面抱怨的主要原因為整體振動的平均感受。 4. 對於ISO6897規範大約對應到本實驗10%的人感受到不舒適。 5. 對於相同加速度門檻值下,ISO之回歸週期(5年)與本實驗(0.5年)和台灣規範(0.5年)結果有差距,所以地區不同所能接受週期之容忍度也不盡相同。


Under wind disturbance, the comfort of occupants in buildings is an important issue in the structural design aside from safety consideration. The human comfort criterion for wind-induced motion has been a long-time controversial issue because many factors, either physiological or psychological, can considerably differentiate the outcome. Recently, a constant criterion of 5 cm/sec2 for a half-year return period was regulated in Taiwan building wind code. In an attempt to build up the local data base in preparation for improving the building wind code in the future, this research aims to conduct surveys to investigate the comfort criteria by using a motion simulator in the wind engineering research center, Tamkang University. A methodology and feasible procedure to determine the comfort threshold and the return period were proposed in this study. Two types of surveys by using harmonic motion and random motion, respectively, were performed to obtain the comfort thresholds for 2%, 10% and 50% of people objecting and their corresponding return periods. The survey results indicate that 1. The comfort thresholds are frequency-dependent in 0.1~1.08 Hz. 2. The comfort (acceleration) thresholds decreases as the vibration frequency increases. 3. Under a random motion, the peak motion effect plays an more important role in comfort when the vibration frequency is lower, while the average motion effect is more emphasized in terms of feeling if the vibration frequency is higher. 4. In the ISO6897 about 10% of people feel uncomfortable In this experiment. 5. In the same comfort thresholds, the return period of ISO (5 years) is different from the experiment (0.5 years) and Taiwan building wind code (0.5 years), so the different area have different return periods.


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