  • 學位論文


Study on Rights to Nations of the Convention on the Rights of the Child ∼ Comparison of Access to Nationality in Taiwan and Japan

指導教授 : 胡慶山


2014年中華民國政府通過「兒童公約施行法」,該公約揭示各國法律應以兒童作為權利主體,與成人享有相同之基本人權。 隨著臺灣經濟發展,外來人口日增,外國籍女性在臺出生之新生兒亦日趨增加,渠等是否受到應有的保障,是開啟本研究的動機。 本研究先蒐集兒童權利公約相關文獻,瞭解國際法上關於兒童權利之演進及內涵,並敘述兒童權利公約制定之經緯,及兒童權利公約納入兒童國籍取得權之條文背景介紹,進而擇定社經、法制與中華民國政府相近之日本,探討該國之作法,進而對照中華民國政府現行各項法規中,關於兒童國籍取得權利之相關規定完備與否。 最後針對制度面、法制面及政策面提出若干建議,盼能多管齊下,減少兒童無國籍案例之發生,如若發生,亦應朝兒童最佳利益發展。


In accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child which entered into force on 2 September 1990. Taiwan, echoing to the spirit of the Convention, has enacted the Law of Application of the Convention in June 2014. As Taiwan is transforming to be a destination country of international migrants, the number of newborns in Taiwan of foreign nationalities has been increasing over years. With this background, the purpose of this research was to examine that whether the newborns’ inherent human rights are appropriately protected in Taiwan. The research reviewed the evolution of the Convention with the view of better understanding the origins of various legal concepts of children’ rights. Based on the review, the research, via several in-depth interviews to the stakeholders of the topic, further examined the present laws and regulations concerning children’ rights in Taiwan and depicted some practical obstacles and challenges experienced when applying the laws and the regulations. As a reference for future amendment of the laws and the regulations, Japan was taken as a lesson drawing object in this research due to similar social, cultural, economic and legal backgrounds. In summary, this research provided several suggestions from institutional, juridical and political aspects to better solve the problems encountered by these children and reduce difficulties experienced when practicing relevant laws and regulations, so as to render more appropriate protection to children in Taiwan.


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