  • 學位論文


The Development of Mining Industry in Peru and its effects of Economy and Society in the 1990s

指導教授 : 王秀琦


礦業是拉丁美洲傳統的經濟產業,長期以來在拉美經濟發展中占有重要地位。尤其在秘魯礦業一直是其經濟中重要的部門之一,有時其地位甚至在農業之上。秘魯礦產資源十分豐富,蘊藏總量居世界第7位。秘魯礦產資源的特點,一是品項多,二是蘊藏量大。已探明的主要礦物有銅、鉛、鋅、金、銀、鐵、鎢、錳、錫、銻等。銀產量居世界第1位,銅、鋅產量居世界第2位,錫、鉍、銻居第3位,鉛居第4位,黃金居第5位(在拉美佔第1位)。2013年秘魯礦產出口總值達227.19億美元,占秘魯總出口金額之54%;最重要之出口礦產為銅、黃金、鉛及鋅,其中銅及黃金之出口總額便占全部礦產出口總值之78%。 1990年藤森(Alberto Fujimori)政府上臺後,開始進行經濟體制改革,大力推行國有企業私有化,開啟近年秘魯礦產業的現代化。在其任內1990-1997年期間,金屬類礦物佔秘魯出口總額44.5%。1997金屬礦類的生產佔了國民生產總值的7%,銅與黃金分佔出口金屬礦類第一及第二,並且在秘魯的五大金屬礦物(金、銅、銀、鋅、鉛)佔了40%的產值。 本論文主要研究目標為分析1990年代,在藤森執政時期私有化政策推行下,如何改善秘魯的經濟,以及礦產業在此期間有何種改革措施,足以奠定秘魯礦業的地位。並且探究在大規模提升礦業發展時對社會帶來的影響。


秘魯 銅礦 金屬 礦業 藤森


Mining industry is a traditional economy sector in Latin America. It plays an important role in the history of the economic development in Latin America. Especially it has been always a significant sector in the economy, sometimes even more important the agriculture sector. Peru is rich in mineral resources, the total reserves ranked seventh in the world. One of the features of mineral resources in Peru is the diversity of the items, the other is the amount of the reserves. The discovered main minerals are copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver, iron, tungsten, manganese, tin and antimony. The production of silver lead the first rank in the world, the production of copper and zinc ranked second, the gold ranking No. 5 in the world (in Latin America ranked first). In 2013 Peruvian mineral exports totaled 22.719 billion US dollars, accounting for 54% of Peru's total export value; the most important mineral export were copper, gold, lead and zinc. The value of the exports of copper and gold accounted for 78% of the total export value of the mineral products. In the 1990s, the government began economic reform, vigorously promoted the privatization of state-owned enterprises, which started the moderation of Peruvian mining industry. During his tenure 1990 - 1997, the metal minerals accounted for 44.5% of Peru's total exports. In 1997 the production of metallic mineral accounted for 7% of GDP. The copper and the gold shared the first and the second position, accounting 40% of the value in five main metallic minerals in Peru (gold, copper, silver, zinc, lead) . The main objective of this thesis is to analysis that in the 1990s, during government of Fujimori, how the policy of privatization improved the economy of Peru and made the basis of Peruvian mining industry. In the same time, research the influence on the environment and the society .


Peru copper miming industry Fujimori


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