  • 學位論文


The space of a stream concert

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


音樂與串流媒體結合的表演形式與空間: 本研究探討在音樂表演與網際網路串流媒體相互結合之下,是否有機會產生新的音樂表演形式以及相對應空間形式於未來發展的可能性。 網際網路壓平了許多可以透過數位重製、複製的各種信息的價值,但卻也重新認定了音樂表演現場的不可取代性。 此外,網際網路串流技術也引起開發商投⼊入⾳音樂表演現場與網際網路即時串流的新商業模式之探討。 因此,在未來網際網路技術建構的音樂表演與串流機制的結合,對音樂表演而言, 除了不同現場之間透過網際網路連結與信息交換,或許更可將音訊的傳輸路徑視為一種音訊效果器的延伸。假使將演奏者也透過網際網路分離,音樂形式與表演空間的形式,會以甚麼可能的方式呈現? 為了達成本研究之目的,在硬體技術的應用方面主要可分為網際網路串流媒體設備與燈光音響設備來構成,網際網路通訊本身具有延遲效應, 因此,兩者之間結合的關鍵則以如何有效的在音樂演出中掌握音樂串流信息之間相互疊合時間控制。另一方面,串流媒體也同時具備影像傳輸能力,視覺在表演現場中普遍是不可分割的一部份,所以不同現場之間透過視訊的結合,也是感知即時串流的重要元素之一 透過網際網路串流媒體的意義在於,一次性的音樂表演,可能因為網路的連結使不同的現場也能參與原本無法分割的表演形式。 在真實演唱會中,為了有效實驗出串流音樂表演如何構成,第一部份以其本質---節奏,和聲與絃律---以性質來分割樂器類型,並透過串流重組,以測試疊合的結果。第二部份是節點彼此之間的交互作用,以節點的位置與參與者的組成,探討可能的地方效應與互動模式。 最後,由於音樂與串流媒體結合的表演形式具有別於以往的設備環境要素,本論文也同時探討如何在⾳音樂會空間中建構串流系統,並嘗試運作於個別現場中,如何創建以不同時間次序而產生個別且獨立的表演內容,討論未來發展的可能性。


網際網路 空間 串流 音樂表演


A performances from combining music concert and streaming media. This research explores when the musical performances combined with the Internet streaming media, the opportunities of development possibility and to generate new musical forms and the corresponding spatial form. Internet media squeezed the value of many kinds of information that can be copied via digital form. But also to re-identify the music concert can not be replaced by internet. In addition, Internet streaming technology have caused developers to explore how to combined the music concert with Internet live streaming into a new business model.
 Therefore, in the future, the integration of the mechanisms of Internet stream-based technology and musical performances will be forming. Then between different streams nodes, in addition to real-time audio transmission over the Internet, perhaps the transmission path can be seen as an extension of the audio effects interface. If the musicians are separated Internet, in the form of musical forms and performance space, will show in to what mode? In order to achieve the purpose of this research, In the application of hardware technology can be divided into streaming media devices and audio equipment. Internet communications are inherently delays, the key combination is how to effectively control the audio between different nodes in the music performances through streaming superimposed time. on the other hand, also have video streaming media transmission capacity, the visual scene in the show is an integral part of, so different scene through a combination of video, but also one of the important elements of the perception of live streaming. In a real concert, in order to effectively test the streaming music what constitutes, The first part of its essence --- rhythm, harmony and melody --- with nature to split instrument type, and through streaming reorganization to test results superimposed. The second part is the interaction between each node to node location and composition of the participants to explore the possible effects of local and interactive mode. The meaning of streaming concert space that, a one-time music performances, as a combination of streaming media, so that the original performances can not be divided into different stage in the field can participate and costarring form. In the final part, due to the form of a performance combining music and streaming media devices with different from the previous environmental factors, this paper also discusses how to construct a concert streaming system in space and try to operate at the individual site, how to create in order to produce a different time and independent individual performances content, discuss the possibility of future development.


internet stream space concert


拓墣產業研究所 2012《移動互聯網發展趨勢》拓墣科技出版社。
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Karlhans Weisse著,馮忠譯。1972《室內聲學》 台北: 天同出版社。

