  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Low-Achieving College Students' Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation-A Case Study of a Distance Learning Course

指導教授 : 王藹玲


本研究目的在探討英文低成就大學生在遠距教學中的自我效能以及自我調節能力。遠距教學在近年來變得流行因為它沒有時間和地點的限制的優勢。本研究參與者為兩百八十二名英文低成就大學生,因為他們沒有通過畢業門檻的英文測驗。他們修這堂課的主要目的是為了畢業。然而,在許多先前的研究中指出自我效能以及自我調節能力會影響學生的學習。因此,透過質和量的研究資料,本研究將探討學生自我效能以及自我調節能力的特色。 本研究的課程中,老師和學生透過Moodle平台,進行為期十八週的線上課程。在量性的研究資料來自於學生的問卷,質性的研究來自於開放性問題的蒐集。 研究結果發現,在遠距課程中,大學生的自我效能以及自我調節能力偏高。他們在遠距課程中的高自我效能特色包含:心理狀態的改善與獲得來自於老師和助教們鼓勵得來的自信。而且,他們有很多信心來自於他們知道同儕和他們的英文能力都是偏低的。而且,他們的高自我效能也因為先前有遠距教學課程的成功修課經驗。至於大學生高自我調節的特色包含三個因素:學生的企圖心,討論區,以及作業。他們有超越自己和同儕英文能力的企圖心。他們也指出,討論區的存在讓他們的孤立感減少。他們也非常珍惜在討論區上和老師、助教,以及同儕的互動。除此之外,因為嚴格的作業繳交期限以及要求,大學生在遠距課程中的自我調節增加。此研究目的在於提供老師在未來遠距教學課程中,可以更了解學生的自我效能以及自我調節的特色。


This study aims to investigate college students’ self-efficacy and self-regulation in distance courses. Distance courses have become more and more popular recently with the advantage of no time constraint. The 282 participants of the present study were low-achievers in English proficiency since they did not reach the threshold of English proficiency required to graduate. Their main goal of taking the distance course is to graduate. Previous studies showed that self-efficacy and self-regulation may influence students’ learning. The present study investigated college students’ characteristics of self-efficacy and self-regulation, using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. In the study, the instructor and the students were in the 18-week distance course through the Moodle platform. The quantitative data came from students’ questionnaires and the qualitative data came from the open-ended questions. The result showed that college students tended to have high self-efficacy and high self-regulation in distance courses. The characteristics of students’ high self-efficacy in the distance course include psychological states improvement, and gaining confidence from their instructor’s and assistants’ encouragement. Moreover, students felt more confident since they knew that peers’ English proficiency was as low as theirs. Also, students show high self-efficacy in the distance course because of their previous successful learning experiences through distance course. On the other hand, college students’ characteristics of high self-regulation came from three different sources: students’ ambition, discussion board, and assignments. Students had ambition to outperform themselves and peers’ English proficiency. They also indicated that their feeling of being isolated decreased with the participation on the discussion board. They valued the interaction with their peers and instructor on the discussion board. Moreover, college students’ self-regulation in the distance environment was high because of the strict deadline and requirement of assignments. This study may provide teachers characteristics of college students’ self-efficacy and self-regulation for future distance courses.


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