  • 學位論文


The treating of Campus Folk song’s rise and decline to Taiwan society culture in 1980’s.

指導教授 : 林呈蓉


台灣自六○年代開始便出現思考本土意義的聲音,惟因政治因素影響而一直沈潛且不容見於當局;1971年台灣被迫退出聯合國後,台灣自我反省的聲音開始愈見高漲,在非政治方面,1973年的「雲門舞集」堪稱是第一個試圖尋找台灣本土價值的藝文團體,緊接著在文學、電影、音樂等也興起了類似的活動,以上無疑都是台灣在試圖重新建構自我精神價值的嘗試之一,而校園民歌也不例外。 在1976、1977的兩次學生演唱事件後,台灣的年輕知識份子遂開始出現反對舊有國台語及西洋歌曲的情緒,而這股情緒構成了「校園民歌」的浪潮,但這樣的浪潮卻有如曇花一現;面對這樣的情形,本文遂試圖以校園民歌為例來瞭解台灣在戰後試圖建立自我意識的過程及其意義。 首章為緒論,筆者藉此敘述本文的研究動機目的、文獻回顧及研究方式。由於本文屬於現代史的範疇,文中所敘述到的人事物大都仍活躍於各個社會團體當中,因此筆者將盡力避免主觀批評以達學術客觀的標準。 第一章為敘述校園民歌的產生背景、初期發展狀況、校園民歌中關於「民歌」一詞的定義論爭及初期的關鍵人物。第一節先作校園民歌的產生背景及1960、70年代台灣音樂的發展概況、第二節則是釐清校園民歌中「民歌」一詞的定義,第三、四節則敘述校園民歌發展中的重要關鍵人物及初期特質。 第二章敘述校園民歌在商業媒體介入後的轉變、學者專家及民歌手自身對校園民歌的看法及校園民歌在發展後期之所以遭受到輿論抨擊與沈寂的種種原因。第一節先以「金韻獎」民歌系列專輯分析校園民歌的轉變,第二節則敘述校園民歌在商業介入後的發展情形、學者討論校園民歌的過程、後期因為校園民歌而產生的次文化及在該文化下的校園民歌特色。第三節則是以校園民歌歌詞、民歌手、及政府制度等層面去分析校園民歌沈寂的原因。第四節則以「民風樂府」、「天水樂集」等為例子說明後期校園民歌的後續發展。 第三章筆者則試圖以多層次的角度去理解校園民歌的歷史意義價值。第一節先以社會學的觀點分析校園民歌的意義。第二節則以國民教育為例來瞭解在當時的大環境下,校園民歌的意識來源。第三節則以同時期基於相似因素而發展起來的鄉土文學論戰與台灣新電影為例,將之與校園民歌作一分析比較來說明台灣在戰後為了尋求自我意識而作的嘗試過程。第四節則以民歌手本身的立場、與同期流行音樂的比較、校園民歌的社會關懷等來瞭解其定位。第五節筆者試圖透過兩位歌手─王夢麟及羅大佑為例,試圖窺視在校園民歌之後台灣社會的發展樣貌。 最後為結語,筆者將之分成校園民歌的文化本質、定位、存續及展望等來討論校園民歌的意義。校園民歌基於特殊的時代場域下而興起,雖然其意識不夠成熟而瞬起瞬滅,但其對台灣音樂的多樣化發展確有其功,但至今日,校園民歌因已完成其階段性的任務,所以它即使被重新提起也是意義有限,能否東山再起是有待觀察的。


The thinking of Taiwan local culture started from 1960’s. It always be limited by Politics. The self-examination increased after Taiwan abdicated from U.N. in 1971. Cloud Gate Dance Foundation was the first art culture group tried to look for Taiwan local culture, then more and more activities appeared in literature, movie, and music like this. The Campus Folk song was too. After twice student singing incidents, a morale to opposed mandarin, dialect, and foreign song was form in Taiwan young clerisy. This morale became to the activity of Campus Folk song, but it was flash in the pan. For this status, we tried to use Campus Folk song for case to analyze the process and meaning. In the first place, we would account of cause, purpose, a review of documents, and research fashion in a introduction. The chapter 1 would account for the background of Campus Folk song, embryo status, a definition affray about it, and the key person. The First part was the background of Campus Folk song and Taiwan music advancing profile in 1970’s. The second part was a definition affray about Campus Folk song. The 3rd, 4th part was the key person and embryo characteristics. The chapter 2 would account for the change of Campus Folk song in mass media, scholars and folk singers’ attitude to the Campus Folk song, and the reason of downfall for Campus Folk song. We tried to analyze the change of Campus Folk song by “ Jin-Yun-Jiang ” album in the First part. The 2nd part accounted for Campus Folk song in mass media, scholar’s discussion, the sub- culture character of Campus Folk song. The 3rd part tried to analyze a reason of downfall for Campus Folk song from words of song, folk singers, and govern- ment system. The 4th part would use two music groups for case -“Folk Yue-Fu” and “Tina-Shui Yue-Ji” to account for the terminal situation of Campus Folk song. In the chapter 3, We tried to analyze the culture value of Campus Folk song by variety viewpoint. The 1st part would analyze Campus Folk song by the point of social science. The 2nd part would use nation education to understand a sense breeder of Campus Folk song. The 3rd part would compare with local litature, Taiwan New movie, and Campus Folk song which all arose from the same time. The 4th part would try to use folk singers’ standpoint, a compare with pop music which at the same time, and the concern about society to comprehends the meaning of Campus Folk song. In The 5th part, We would use two singers, Meng-Lin Wang and Da-You Luo, who enlivened in 1980’s for example to analyze the developing process of Taiwan society . Final was inference, We tried to analyze Campus Folk song ‘s culture entity, contribution, state of play, and future. It emerged from special age, although that was a brief time it had contribution on Taiwan’s music. Today, Campus Folk song already finished the assignment, so we could observe the development in the future.




劉官維(2015)。獨立音樂是什麼: 獨立音樂認同界線的生產與游移〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-0312201510291534
