  • 學位論文


A Study of “Strategic Partnership” between China and ASEAN

指導教授 : 蘇起


中國歷史上談論與「外國」的關係,眼光常會落向北方。誠然,古代中國與南方相對來說是平靜許多,因而得到的關注少得多。然而在現代,東協國家幾十年來的發展教人無法移開目光,特別是冷戰後,東協展現的集體力量,以及它提供的對話平台,使它成為推進亞太地區安全事務的行為者,與過去受殖民統治,冷戰時外有美蘇角力,內有顛覆份子,安全受困的東南亞地區不可同日而語。 每個國家都關心安全問題,中共尤其如此。改革開放以來,中共的工作重點雖轉到了經濟發展上,但是歷史因素令它不被信任,現實狀況又令周邊國家缺乏安全感,若不改變而對外友好,又如何崛起成一方大國?這就成了中共的要務。兩個經濟上取得亮眼成績,也同樣重視安全事務的亞太要角就有了合作的理由,二○○三年締結的戰略夥伴關係為其大成。 一九九七到九八年,東南亞地區經歷了慘重的金融危機,東協力量大受打擊,給了東協推力與中共合作。對中共來說,這正是絕好的機會以拉攏東協,推進友好,甚至使其進一步依賴中共,好讓它能主導該地區事務,以利於未來「和平崛起」。 這種情形東協並非不明白,然而面對經濟探底需要復甦的現實,東協勢必要與中共發展更緊密的關係,因此必須與中共靠攏。影響當然不只是中共與東協,最大的發展中國家與東亞最大區域組織的一舉一動,都觸動其它大國的敏感神經。 因此,考察中共與東協間戰略利益上的合作與變化,對於理解與預測亞太權力平衡發展至關重要。中共的「和平發展」(和平崛起)戰略是否能夠順利完成,或是會受阻於大國的介入?東協仰賴中共恢復國力的同時,是否註定成為中共的勢力範圍?雙方的互動與目標的落實,是本文論述的重點。


As long as foreignness is concerned, it usually refers to northern ones in Chinese history. It’s true that relations between China and southern states were much more peaceful, and therefore, often called less attention. However, ASEAN has made efforts and progress for several decades, especially during the post-Cold War Era. Nowadays, ASEAN has become an important actor in furthering the security in the Asia-Pacific area by showing its collective power and offering a dialogue platform. In comparison with the past Southeast Asia of being colonized and being under the pressure of the US and the USSR outside and the insurgencies inside, it is definitely different on ASEAN’s condition. All states care about the security affairs, especially China. China has transferred to develop its economic from starting the “Reform and Openness”. But China still didn’t get foreign trust historically, and couldn’t make them feel secure realistically. As a result, China had to make changes to improve the relations with them more actively that it could emergence to be a great power. China and AEAN, both international actors in the Asia-Pacific area progressive economically and concerned security affairs, have reasons to cooperate with each other and at last, they built up the strategic partnership in 2003. And it is significant that Southeast Asia suffered from economic crisis in 1997 and 1998 striking the economies heavily and further ASEAN to cooperate with China. It is really a great chance for China to improve their relation and, moreover, make ASEAN more dependent upon it so that China would lead Southeast Asia and put its “Peaceful Emergence” strategy into practice in the future. In fact, ASEAN realized it, but it still avoidably chose to come to China because of the need of recovery. The reaction between the biggest developing nation in the world and international institution in East Asia not only concern both part but also make other big power nervous. Hence, it is important to observe how China and ASEAN operate in their strategic advantage and how it changes to understand and predict the balance of power in Asia Pacific. Whether China will complete the “Peaceful Emergence” (Peaceful Development) strategy or blocked by any big power else? Whether ASEAN will become more and more dependant on China and even being controlled in recovering through China’s help? This document focuses on their reactions and if they make it.


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9. 阮銘,鄧小平帝國,台北:時報文化出版企業股份有限公司,1992年8月。
6. 李國雄,「中國-東協自由貿易區」的政經背景分析,立法院院聞,第31卷第11期,
4. 胡錦濤:共建睦鄰互信夥伴關係,人民日報,2003年6月6日,版一。
13. 吳德美、曾聖文,中國大陸經濟崛起對東協經濟發展影響,問題與研究,第44卷第3期,民國94年5、6月。


