  • 學位論文


Sustainable Energies Development in the EU- Case Study of the Solar Energy Applications in Germany and Spain

指導教授 : 苑倚曼


隨著科技日新月異與工業快速發展,人類生活型態的改變,大量使用耗能與高二氧化碳排放的產品與交通工具致使全球暖化加劇。氣候異常更導致全球各地洪水氾濫、颱風數量增多、農作物因乾旱歉收等自然災害不斷,對人類日常生活造成莫大影響。 然而,近年來全球環保意識高漲也促使各國正視氣候變遷問題,1997年更通過一項重要的全球性氣候公約—《京都議定書》,訂立各締約國溫室氣體的具體減量目標。其中又以歐盟最積極推動減排,制定一系列氣候與環保政策以達到8%的溫室氣體減量目標,並加強公民教育與提高人民環保意識。此外,歐盟更極力發展再生能源以加強能源供應安全,由於歐盟長期努力,目前於再生能源技術與低碳科技上已成為全球領導者。 現今再生能源中以風力、太陽能與生質能發展較為廣泛完善,當中又以太陽能最為便利,有陽光即可運作。歐盟發展太陽能由來甚久,其中德國更為全球最大太陽光電市場,其著名的「再生能源法(Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz, EEG)」也成為各國仿效之作。另外西班牙也挾著優質的地理優勢,以及政府豐厚的優惠措施,於近10年迅速竄起,成為歐洲第二大太陽光電市場。 台灣擁有厚實光電產業的先天優勢,然而國際情勢的窘境以及政府對再生能源政策的消極態度,也造成台灣太陽能產業未來發展的隱憂。德國由於弗萊堡反核事件造成全國人民對環保的重視,也促使其政府積極發展無汙染的太陽能,而施洛德政府(1998-2005年)與接棒的梅克爾政府均將環境政策視為國家發展主軸,也帶動了德國整體再生能源的發展。另外,西班牙政府的積極作為使得該國在短短10年即由太陽能荒漠躍升為歐洲第二大太陽光電市場,這些結果在在證明政府的態度為左右該國太陽能產業發展。歐盟、德國與西班牙太陽能發展經驗實值得我國學習。


As technology and industry moves on, the human being changes life style. Global warming causes by massive using of high carbon dioxide products and transportation. Climate change also affect the life of human being, it brings natural calamities such as flood, powerful typhoon, drought etc.. In recent years, eco-conscious growing makes the governments concern about environmental protection issue. On 11 December 1997, an important international agreement- “The Kyoto Protocol” was adopted, 37 countries (Annex I countries) commit themselves to a reduction of greenhouse gases under the protocol. After signing the Kyoto Protocol, the EU actively legislate a series of policies about environmental protection and climate change to reach the protocol commitment of 8% greenhouse gases reduction. In the meanwhile, the EU strengthens environmental protection conscious of its citizens. Besides, for energy security, the EU also actively researchs in the sector of renewable energies. Nowadays, the EU has become the leader in sector of low-carbon technologies and renewable energies. Renewable energy is energy which comes from natural and renewable resources such as wind, sun light, biomass geothermal energy etc. As with any other renewable energy source solar energy also means less CO2 emissions, and less emphasis on fossil fuels. Many years ago the EU started to research solar energy, today the EU already get enormous success in the solar sector. Germany and Spain are the biggest two photovoltaic installation member states in the EU. Germany is the largest photovoltaic market of the world. The greatest success should be referred to German “Renewable Energy Act (EEG)” which provided remuneration for electricity feed-in. This measure was imitated by other countries. On the other side, because of a series of solar policies and superior geographic location, Spain excellently developed the solar energy in the last decade, and has become the second largest European photovoltaic market in 2008. Although Taiwan has substantial base of semiconductor industry to develop solar technologies, but our government has negative attitude toward renewable policies, it will block the development of the solar industry in the future. In the 1970s, the region of Baden-Württemberg planned to build a nuclear power plant at Wyhl, just 30 km from Freiburg. There was a major protest, with widespread civil disobedience, and in 1975 the plans were defeated. During this time, the German federal government decided to gradually suspend using nuclear energy. The successful experiences of Germany and Spain can prove that solar industry was largely depended on the support of government.


歐文生、何明錦、 陳瑞鈴、 陳建富、羅時麒,台灣太陽能設計用標準日射量之研究,中華民國建築學會「建築學報」第64期,第116頁
International Energy Agency, IEA Energy Policies Review- The European Union(Paris: IEA Publications, 2008), p.19
International Energy Agency, IEA Energy Policies Review- The European Union(Paris: IEA Publications, 2008), p.69
International Energy Agency, IEA Energy Policies Review- The European Union(Paris: IEA Publications, 2008), p.96


