  • 學位論文


Exploring Resident-student Value co-creation and Customer citizenship behavior in Tamsui: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


地方創生的核心是為解決鄉村人口流失老化、城鄉發展失衡等問題,其主旨是「地、產、人」三位一體,透過地域、產業與優秀人才的多元結合,確立地方特有的獨特性與核心價值。此概念中多數學者都指出「人」是其中最關鍵的因素也是最主要的推手,因此必須理解為何人口外移和人口又會因怎樣的動機而移入,而介於長期「居住人口」和短期「交流互動人口」之間與地區有著多層次連結的「關係人口」就扮演著關鍵角色,故本研究即以大淡水地區交流人口-學生與定居人口-居民作為主要探討對象,並以社會交換理論來瞭解學生在就讀期間的公共服務動機、社區認同與居民的感知價值、社區意識是如何對社區參與造成影響,進一步產生對共創價值、滿意度、顧客公民行為之影響。 本研究使用問卷調查的方式進行研究,發放839份問卷,扣除無效問卷共9份,採用有效樣本為830份,有效樣本回收率達98%,經由 AMOS 進行統計分析,分析結果發現(1)學生的公共服務動機會影響社區認同,而社區認同又會影響社區參與。(2)居民的感知價值會影響社區意識,而社區意識又會影響社區參與。(3)學生和居民的社區參與會影響其共創價值體驗。(4) 學生和居民的共創價值會影響其滿意度和顧客公民行為。此結果可得知學生的公共服務動機產生社會認同並促成社區參與,居民的感知價值則產生了社區意識並加強社區參與意願,藉由共同的社區參與提高共創價值、滿意度、顧客公民行為。最後本研究結果不但呼應了社會交換理論的論點,也提供各地區增加關係人口的重要方向,可從教育和生活服務中增強學生的公共服務動機來提升認同,並進一步產生自主性的顧客公民行為表現。


The core concept of regional revitalization is to solve problems such as losing and aging in the rural population unbalancing between urban and rural development, etc. The main concept of regional revitalization is the combination of "land, production and people". Through to integrate the regions, industries, and outstanding talents, it establishes the uniqueness and core values of the place. In the concept, most scholars indicate that "people" are the most critical factor which promoting the regional revitalization. Therefore, it is necessary to realize why the population moves in-out in the area. In addition, the "relationship population", which has multi-level connections with the region, plays a key role between long-term "resident population" and short-term "interactive population". Thus, this study takes the exchange population-students and settled population-residents in Tamsui area as the main research object and utilizes the social exchange theory to comprehend students' motivation of public service and identity of community during the period of studying, also included residents perceived value and community awareness to find out how both impact community engagement, furthermore on value co-creation, satisfaction, and customer citizenship behavior. In this study, conducting research by questionnaire survey. 839 questionnaires were sent out altogether, 830 were recollected and 9 invalid questionnaires were excluded. The effective rate reached 98%. Through AMOS statistical analysis, the results found that (1) the public service motivation of students can influence community identity, which in turn affects community engagement. (2) Residents' perceived value affects community awareness, which in turn affects community engagement. (3) The community engagement of students and residents will affect their experience of co-creating value. (4) Students and residents’ co-creation value also affect their satisfaction and customer citizenship behavior. The result shows that students' public service motivation can generate social identity and promote community engagement, also residents' perceived value enhance community awareness and strengthens community engagement willingness. It could improve co-creation, satisfaction, customer citizenship behavior by building up common community engagement. Finally, the results of this study not only echo the arguments of social exchange theory, but also provide important method for increasing the relationship population in various regions, which can enhance the public service motivation of students from education and daily life. Moreover, it’s further created autonomy of customer citizenship behavior.


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