  • 學位論文


Globalization strategy -Case studies of top 3 POS firms in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡進丁


台灣P0S產業是小而美的利基型產業,且具有國際競爭力。 本研究以台灣前三大POS領導廠商: 伍豐、飛捷、與振樺為研究對象,透過專家訪談的資料收集方式, 以全球化策略模型和MERSI為研究架構,目的在研究 : (1)POS的產業趨勢 ; (2)台灣POS產業的國際競爭力; (3)台灣POS產業主要領導廠商的全球化策略。 本研究比較分析三家POS廠商的全球化策略內涵、全球化利益、及全球化策略成功率評估。 研究發現 : (1)POS應用版圖已從傳統的收銀功能延伸至更寬廣的Point-of-Service領域 ; (2)台灣POS產業在理念、實力、環境都相當具有國際競爭力,唯全球化策略規劃及執行力兩方面須加強。 (3)領導廠商的全球化策略之比較分析: 在全球化策略內涵方面,以POS產品為主軸,作產品應用面延伸,專注本案,經營自有品牌或產業品牌;在全球化利益方面,營收成長率高、費用成本管理得宜,獲利頗佳。伍豐及振樺的商業模式,以經營自有品牌為主,飛捷則積極建立產業品牌,經營ODM設計與製造。 基本上, 在全球化策略內涵,及全球化利益兩方面的分析都是正面的,在此前提下,加上母國及客國政府政策的支持,及良好的資源與執行力,都使得領導廠商的全球化策略成功率有優異的表現。 至目前為止,台灣POS前三大領導廠商的全球化策略都是朝正面發展。 其經驗,可提供給台灣其他小而美的利基型產業,作為發展全球化策略之參考。


POS firms in Taiwan are generally medium-sized companies, highly competitive in the global market, and operating in a niche industry which has a higher margin compared to the consumer computer industry This thesis is a case study of the top three POS firms in Taiwan: Firich, Flytech and POSIFLEX . It concludes with the POS industry trend, the international competitiveness of Taiwan's POS firms and globalization strategies. The research structure is based on MERSI’s five dimensions for POS industry competitiveness studies, and globalization strategy models analysis for the three leading firms. The globalization strategy comparison focuses on the globalization strategies, profit analysis, and the competitive advantage over its competitors. . The conclusions of the analysis are as follows: 1. The world of the POS industry is rapidly shifting from a traditional cash register payment Point-Of-Sales to Point-Of-Service with service concept. 2. The competitiveness has been well structured from the dimension point of view: Mind, Ecosystem and Resources. For more successful global operations, POS firms need to enhance their strategy planning and their operational management based on a global organization build-up as well as risk management. 3. Globalization strategy comparison among the 3 leading firms: All leading firms involved have a high technology design capability, all focus on POS product lines and all have a highly profitable margin. Firich and POSIFLEX are marketing their own brand, while Flytech emphasizes on design capability and builds ODM relationships with the top global POS firms. So far, the three leading firms have all been successful in their globalization strategy and show outstanding business performance. The small size and profitable business model of the POS firms provide a good reference to other Taiwan firms who expect to develop their globalization strategy.


8.林妙雀 (2003) 。「產業全球化驅動力與企業資源/能力對全球策略運作影響之研究」-外商來台投資及台商赴海外投資企業之實證分析編號:本文獲國科會補助(編號: 88-2416-H-030-003)。
3.伍豐科技股份有限公司。 http://www.firich.com.tw
4.拍擋科技股份有限公司。 http://www.partner.com.tw
5.飛捷科技股份有限公司。 http://www.flytech.com


