  • 學位論文


The Study of the Financial Systemic Risk in Europe: the Development of the EU’s Banking Supervision.

指導教授 : 曾秀珍
共同指導教授 : 林立(Li Lin)


近年來,在金融海嘯衝擊下,金融系統性風險逐漸受到重視,各國也開始尋求預防的方法。 為了有效預防金融風險,就需要監理機制來監督金融機構,換言之,金融監理存在的主要目的就是要確保金融體系的穩定,並且,需以個體審慎與總體審慎監理並進的方式,才能有效達到風險管理的目的。 歐洲聯盟自金融海嘯後,為了強化歐盟抵抗系統性風險的能力,透過金融監理改革加入總體審慎監理,然而,此套監理機制仍是以各國監理為主,歐盟缺乏一個強而有力的機制來統一監理歐盟會員國的金融機構,歐盟所獲得的監理權限有限,恐難發揮效用。再加上歐債危機的暴發,為了能徹底解決歐債問題,歐盟於2012年6月對銀行聯盟的議題展開討論,希望透過成立單一監理機制來解決困擾歐盟已久的歐債問題,然而,成立銀行聯盟仍需仔細商討相關細節,取得會員國共識,一旦銀行聯盟順利運作,歐盟統合將邁入新的里程碑。


In recent years, thanks to the impact of the financial tsunami, people have paid much attention to the financial systemic risk and want to find how to prevent it.In order to guard against the financial systemic risk, we need an ideal supervision mechanism to oversee financial institutions; in other words, the main purpose of financial supervision is to ensure the stability of the financial system and protect the right of depositors. Otherwise, to establish a perfect risk management mechanism, the supervision mechanism should comprise macro and micro-prudential supervision. Since the financial tsunami in 2008, to be able to monitor, assess and mitigate systemic risk, the European union have also been working on creating new tools for a new policy area, namely giving a macro-prudential orientation to financial regulation and supervision. However, there are currently vulnerabilities in the banking sector which have a negative impact on the sovereign debt crisis. This problem poses specific risks within the euro area where the single currency increases the likelihood of negative spill-over effects across borders. Therefore, in May 2012, the Commission called for a banking union to restore confidence in banks and the euro. It is in this context that the June 2012 European Council decided that the countries of the euro area would create a single supervisory mechanism for banks to make sure that all euro-countries can have full confidence in the quality and impartiality of banking supervision.


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