  • 學位論文


The effects of different webpage categories, product type and demographic variables on online purchase intention

指導教授 : 楊立人


為能有效搶進網路商機,實有必要進一步衡量網路購物顧客消費之行為,本研究的目的為探討不同網頁類別、產品類別與人口統計變項對網路購買意願之影響。傳統網頁 (如:個人電腦和筆記型電腦之瀏覽器網頁) 和手機版網頁 (如:手機、平板電腦之瀏覽器網頁或APP) 因螢幕尺寸、操作方式和網路使用環境均有不同,消費者在網路通路交易中選購不同產品類別時,對於購買決策過程和後續使用服務上之便利性也會有所不同,進而可能對消費意願產生影響。本研究採用便利抽樣問卷調查方式,研究對象為台灣12歲以上有網路購物經驗之民眾;共取得 283 份樣本,剔除 32 份無效問卷後,有效樣本 251 份。使用SPSS 22.0 統計軟體進行分析,使用之統計方法包括「獨立樣本 t 檢定」、「ANOVA單因子變異數分析」、「二因子變異數分析」。研究發現以下結果:(1) 使用不同類別網頁消費者之購買意願有顯著差異。(2) 不同產品類別對於消費者之購買意願具有顯著差異。(3) 不同網頁類別與產品類別對於消費者之購買意願無顯著的交互作用關係。(4) 不同購物消費型態對於消費者之購買意願具有顯著差異。(5) 不同網頁類別與購物消費型態對於消費者之購買意願無顯著的交互作用。(6) 人口統計變項對消費者在網路購物的購買意願有顯著差異。(7) 不同網頁類別與人口統計變項對於消費者之購買意願無顯著的交互作用。最後,本研究歸納出12點管理義涵。


In order to effectively get into the network business opportunities, there is a need to measure consumer spending online shopping behavior, The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of different webpage categories, product type and demographic variables on online purchase intention. Traditional webpage (such as PC and laptop's web browser) and Mobile pages (such as mobile phones, Tablet PC browser page or APP). Due to screen size, mode of operation and network environment are different, consumers buy different product categories in the transaction when the web path, for convenience purchase decision process and subsequent use of the service will be different, it might have an impact on consumer decision. This study used a convenience sample questionnaire survey. The subjects were aged over 12 in Taiwan people's online shopping experience. A total of 283 samples, excluding 32 parts invalid questionnaires, 251 effective samples. Using SPSS 22.0 statistical software for analysis. Statistical methods include the use of "independent samples t-test", "ANOVA one-way analysis of variance", "two-factor analysis of variance." Research results are as follow (1) There are significant differences in consumers’ willingness to purchase via different webpage. (2) Different product categories for consumer purchase intention having a significant difference. (3) There is no significant interaction relationship between different webpage and product type. (4) There are significant differences for consumers’ willingness to purchase via different patterns. (5) There is no significant interaction relationship between different webpage and shopping patterns of consumers intention. (6) Demographic variables have significant differences for consumers’ willingness to purchase online. (7) There is no significant interaction relationship between different webpage and demographic variables. Finally, this study concludes 12 management implications.


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