  • 學位論文


The investigation of mobile software Application for insurance marketing

指導教授 : 田峻吉


在網路發達的今日,行動裝置的興起,提供了保險業一個新的行銷通路。本研究使用文獻及資料搜集與個案深入訪談,透過質性研究去探討行動裝置在保險行銷的運用。本論文分別對於保戶、業務員、行動裝置的設計人員深入訪談得到以下的結論: 行動裝置的開發使得壽險公司的保戶服務項目比以前更多。運用行動裝置所開發的功能:雲端建議書及行動投保,也為業務員在行銷帶來很大的助益,未來行動裝置將更廣泛的運用在保險的各項行銷行為上。 產險的行動裝置,最重要的二大功能為車險定位功能與出險引導功能。透過行動裝置的運用可以確認保戶目前的位置,去幫助並引導保戶依正確的步驟處理車禍,對於車禍後續的和解、車險理賠及法律責任的判定,有很大的助益。 壽險與產物保險的行動軟體,設計上有相當大的差別。壽險涵蓋的較廣,服務項目較多;產險主要針對汽車保險,因為汽車保險由於投保率及出險率高,且與民眾生活息息相關,理賠或出險的情況在業界已有一套可遵循的模式,其他險種,須有專業人員處理出險事宜,不適用在行動裝置。 對於行動裝置未來的發展可以利用雲端裝置及巨量資料(Big data)的概念,即時的修正及對應符合的行銷模式。並結合健康管理系統,提高客戶使用行動App的意願


保險 行動裝置 電子商務


In today's advanced networks, the rise of mobile devices provides the insurance industry a new marketing channels. After using research, data collection and case discussion with interviews, this study investigates the use of insurance marketing through mobile devices based on the qualitative research. The conclusion from the interview with designer policyholders, agents and mobile devices is showed as the following. Development of mobile devices creates more options for life insurance company's policyholders. The two functions developed by mobile devices, Cloud insurance proposals and actions, have brought great benefit to the sale persons on their marketing. The future of mobile devices will be more widely used in the insurance marketing strategies. The two most important functions of Property and Casualty mobile devices are auto insurance positioning and danger guiding function, respectively. As the accident location can be confirmed by policyholders' mobile devices, function can help and guide policyholders on the right track of resolving motor vehicle accidents. This helps determine the subsequent accident settlement, auto insurance claims and legal liability clearly. There is a significant difference between life insurance and casualty insurance's mobile software. Life insurance mobile software covers more options. Property and casualty mobile software insurance mainly focuses auto insurance because auto insurance is more relevant to the daily life, and has higher insurance rate and claim rate. The industry has to follow a certain pattern for auto insurance claims or insured condition. Other type of insurances require professionals assessment at the scene to deal with matters of danger, which does not apply on mobile devices. As big data and cloud concept can be applied to the development of future mobile devices, mobile devices can make instant adjustment and create corresponding marketing model for insurance marketing. The mobile devices can also combine with health management system to increase the interest of customers for using the mobile applications.


insurance Mobile E-commerce


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