  • 學位論文


The Study on People’s Republic of China National Security System Construction Take History of Sino-U.s Relation as Approach

指導教授 : 李志強
共同指導教授 : 蔡青蓉


本研究從透過國際關係和國家安全體制建構的理論面和實務面,藉由歷史和制度取向的經驗分析,理解下述二項之間的關聯性:1.中國國家安全體系的內涵,及其歷史沿革的實際變化項目;2.美中關係在二次大戰之後的變化趨勢,特別是國際政治經濟秩序的重構,包含冷戰與後冷戰時期、美國新帝國主義與新自由主義的國際競爭策略導致的後果,以及恐怖主義對美中關係的競合影響。 研究者採用文獻與次級資料蒐集與分析方法,從中理解美中關係對中國國家安全體系建構的影響。研究發現:1. 美中關係導引中共國家安全概念和體系建立的轉變;2. 但中共在維持國家安全的認知上,國家武裝力量等同於管理機關、解放軍加上警察力量、情治力量的全民動員,這和西方國家在維持國家安全幾乎都是定位於外患的「外部威脅」有著相當大的差異;3. 美中關係的本質在於現實主義的安全與權力,權力平衡主導著美中關係發展方向,在911 事件後,中共利用美國對「反恐」及「核擴散」等國家核心利益的急迫性,乘勢獲取重大利益,但受到相對獲利思維的影響,美中共同利益的合作愈顯不易,也導致分歧利益逐漸浮現;4. 習近平上任後,即以「總體國家安全觀」的政策,帶領中共成為「中國夢」、「強軍夢」之路邁進,奪取原先美國在亞洲地區的主導權,進而向國際強權邁進。為了加強周邊國家對北京當局的信賴,中方加入許多東亞的國際組織,帶頭領導解決國際性的紛爭,中國的行為充分表現出區域強權崛起的新勢力。


This study analyzes the construction of China's national security system from the theoretical and practical aspects of building international relations and national security systems.This study believes that the changing trend of U.S.-China relations after the Second World War, especially the reconstruction of the international political and economic order, will affect the construction of China's national security system.The researcher used literature and secondary data collection methods to understand the impact of US-China relations on the construction of China's national security system. Research findings are as follows: 1. The U.S.-China relationship guides the transformation of the Chinese national security concept and system establishment. 2. China’s awareness of maintaining national security is equivalent to the mobilization of the state organs, the People’s Liberation Army, the police force, and the power of the ruling. This is almost the same as the “external threat” of Western countries that maintains national security. Considerable differences. 3. The essence of the U.S.-China relationship lies in the security and power of realism. The balance of power dominates the direction of U.S.-China relations.After the Sept. 11 attacks, the Chinese Communist Party used the urgency of the United States' core interests such as "counter-terrorism" and "nuclear proliferation" to gain major benefits. 4. After taking office, Xi Jinping took the policy of “overall national security” and led the Chinese Communist Party to become a “Chinese dream” and “strong military dream”.China’s actions have fully demonstrated the emergence of new forces for the emergence of regional power.


中共國防預算參見:「2012-2020年中國的國防預支」,中共國務院網站,2012年12 月29 日,〈http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate/big5/news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2012-12/29/content_5546076.htm〉(20117年10月3日)。
毛思迪(Steven W. Mosher)著,李威儀譯,中國新霸權(台北:立緒文化,2001 年6 月),頁135。
布里辛斯基(Zbigniew Brzezinski)著,林添貴譯,大棋盤,頁54。
