  • 學位論文


Examining Consumers’ Behavioral Intention and Use Behavior Towards Virtual Customer Assistant- Application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Extended

指導教授 : 汪美伶
共同指導教授 : 李青芬(Ching-Fen Li)


數位浪潮下,台灣近幾年金融保險業者紛紛推出號稱具有人工智慧的智能客服,期待透過聰明又貼心的智能客服,讓消費者體驗到更便利、有趣金融服務。然若想要提升消費者體驗感受,就必須了解消費者使用智能客服在乎的因素,及消費者面對新科技的態度差異。本研究藉Venkatesh, Thong & Xu(2012)提出之延伸型整合性科技接受模式(Unified Theory of Acceptance, and Use of Technology 2, UTAUT2)為基礎,加上Zagel, Huber & Bodendorf(2015)提出的極客個性及Parasuraman (2000)提出的科技就緒為調節變項,探討消費者面對新科技態度是否造成影響其使用智能客服的因素有所差異。 本研究主要針對台灣地區有實際使用過C保險公司智能客服,且有登入個人資訊的消費者為實際調查對象。因智能客服屬網路科技,故本研究採用網路問卷之方式進行資料搜集,共獲得940份有效問卷,有效回收率為94.8%。並使用敘述統計分析、實際使用概況分析、信效度分析、差異分析、相關性分析及階層迴歸分析等研究方法進行資料分析。 本研究依分析結果得到以下結論: 1.績效預期、付出預期、社會影響、有利條件、享樂動機及價格價值會正向影響消費者使用智能客服的意圖。 2.過去依賴真人客服的習慣會負項影響消費者使用智能客服的意圖。 3.有利條件及使用意圖會正向影響消費者對智能客服的使用行為。 4.付出預期與使用意圖間的正向關係及過去依賴真人客服的習慣與使用智能客服意圖間的負向關係,會因使用者是否具有極客個性而有差異。 5.付出預期、享樂動機與使用意圖間的正向關係會因為使用者的科技就緒感而有所差異。 綜合以上所述,本研究分別針對企業以消費者需求及推廣普及率兩構面提出建議。然若調查對象能擴及全數金融保險智能客服使用者,俾能完整表達影響消費者使用智能客服意圖及行為的研究範疇,待日後研究者擴大探討。


Financial services are being redefined in the digital era. Taiwan's financial and insurance companies have launched Virtual Customer Assistant with so-called artificial intelligence in recent years. It is expected that through smart and intimate intelligent customer service, consumers will experience more convenient and interesting financial services. However, if you want to improve the consumer experience, you must understand the factors that consumers care about using Virtual Customer Assistant and the differences in consumer attitudes toward new technologies. This study is based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Extended, proposed by Venkatesh, Thong & Xu (2012), Adding the geek personality proposed by Zagel, Huber & Bodendorf (2015) and the technological readiness proposed by Parasuraman (2000) are adjustment variables. Discuss whether consumers’ attitudes towards new technologies cause differences in factors affecting their use of Virtual Customer Assistant. This research mainly targets consumers in Taiwan who have actually used C Insurance's Virtual Customer Assistant and have logged in personal information. Because Virtual Customer Assistant is a network technology, this study used an online questionnaire to collect data. A total of 940 valid questionnaires were obtained, and the effective recovery rate was 94.8%. And SPSS statistical analysis software is used to perform descriptive statistical analysis and actual usage analysis, reliability and validity analysis, difference analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis to verify various research hypotheses. According to the analysis results, this study draws the following conclusions: 1.Performance expectancy, Effort expectancy, Social influence, Facilitating conditions, Hedonic motivation and Price value will positively affect consumers' intentions to use Virtual Customer Assistant. 2.The habit of relying on real customer service in the past will negatively affect consumers' intentions to use Virtual Customer Assistant. 3.Facilitating conditions and usage intentions will positively affect consumers' use of Virtual Customer Assistant. 4.The positive relationship between Effort expectancy and usage intentions and the negative relationship between past habits of relying on live customer service and using Virtual Customer Assistant intentions will vary depending on whether the user has a geek personality. 5.The positive relationship between Facilitating conditions, Hedonic motivation and usage intentions will vary depending on the user's sense of Technological Readiness. Based on the above, this study proposes recommendations for companies in terms of consumer demand and promotion penetration. However, if the survey object can be extended to all financial and insurance Virtual Customer Assistant users, so as to fully express the research scope that affects consumers' intentions and behaviors of using Virtual Customer Assistant, the researchers will expand the discussion in the future.


VirtualCustomerAssistant UTAUT2 Geek TechnologyReadiness AI Chatbot


1.王本正、許富榕(2016)。以延伸型整合性科技接受模式探討行動醫療App 協助照護任務之接受度。福祉科技與服務管理學刊,4(4),483-494。doi:10.6283/JOCSG.2016.4.4.483
3.甘欣蕙(2019)。智能客服在電子商務平台之應用與分析。國立臺灣海洋大學航運管理學系碩士論文,基隆市。 取自https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8my57w
