  • 學位論文


The strategic implications of the Gulf of Aden to escort Chinese Communist Action (2008-2015)

指導教授 : 曾復生


自二十世紀以來,隨著科學技術的不斷快速發展,人類對海洋的依賴性也益發重要,其海洋的地位和價值也就不斷的提高,世界範圍的爭奪海洋、開發海洋的競爭日趨突出,海洋與國家根本利益之間的關係更為密切,而索馬利亞海盜係源自1990年索馬利亞內戰之延續,大規模與長時期的內戰,造成該國大量難民流離與充斥之武器唾手可得,成為海盜問題失控的主因。索馬利亞雖有聯合國糧食計畫的人道援助,但該國政府並無海軍可控制其海上安全,復以海盜有複雜恐怖組織或特定國家在其背後支持。 本文研究著重於亞丁灣、索馬利亞海域海盜猖獗、中共派遣護航艦隊進入該區域遂行護航任務,其任務背後所代表的之戰略意涵進行研究,以及後續可能衍生的影響;就時間範圍而言,研究範圍是從2008年到2015年為止。針對期間內的相關事件,探討其源起、內涵、功能,並深入研析共軍遂行該持續性任務之重要性及發展趨勢。由於這是中共建政以來,首次派遣海軍執行海外維和的任務,希藉由本研究的探討及分析,使我中華民國政府未來在各項相關政策上有所助益。


中共海軍 亞丁灣 海盜 護航 索馬利亞


Since the twentieth century, with the rapid development of science and technology, human dependence on the ocean is also increasingly important, the status and value of the ocean will continue to improve, the world's competition for the ocean, the development of marine competition has become increasingly prominent, The relationship between the sea and the fundamental interests of the country more closely, and the Somali pirates from Somalia in 1990, the continuation of the civil war, large-scale and long-term civil war, causing the country a large number of refugees displaced and filled with weapons at hand, The main cause of the problem out of control. Although Somalia has humanitarian assistance from the UN food program, the Navy does not have the Navy to control its maritime security, with piracy backed by complex terrorist organizations or specific states behind it. This study focuses on the study of the strategic implications of the escort mission in the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters, and the implications of the strategic implications behind the mission of sending the escort fleet into the region. As far as the time horizon is concerned, The scope of the study is from 2008 to 2015. The paper discusses the origin, connotation and function of the related events in the period, and analyzes the importance and development trend of the continuous task. Since this is the first time for the Navy to carry out overseas peacekeeping missions since the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, it is my hope that the Government of the Republic of China will be helpful to the relevant policies in the future through the study and analysis of this study.


CCP Navy the Gulf of Aden piracy escort Somalia


1.Andrew S. Ericson and Justin D. Mikolay, “Welcome China to the Fight Against Pirates”, Proceeding (US Naval Institution, 2009 March), p.7, see http://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/story.asp?Story_ID=1809
4.China Participates in International Anti-piracy Drills,”
5.David Axe, “Defeating Somali Pirates on Land: The Kenya
