  • 學位論文


Intelligent Assisted Multi-Function Training machine

指導教授 : 楊智旭


本研究之目的是結合智慧型馬術復健機、划船運動與啞鈴負重訓練的多重模式,設計一部可以同時訓練上肢、下肢、核心肌群及針對肢體行動不方便者之智慧型輔助多功能訓練機,藉由多元的訓練方式達到恢復正常生活起居的能力,也可作為一般多功能健身機使用。研究項目包括機構設計、智慧型電動輔助控制系統及機電系統整合,讓使用者同時進行智慧型馬術復健機及上肢負重訓練。 其中,研究核心為上肢負重訓練機構設計,以伺服馬達扭力控制作為輔助動力來源,並由軟性鋼索作為機構與使用者阻抗的媒介,操作中可依自己的能力範圍調整對抗的重量,整合手腳並用的運動模式,讓使用者能夠在安全的環境下,同時進行無氧、有氧訓練,達到事半功倍的效果。研究目標在改變以往重量訓練及復健運動需投入大量人力輔助的不便利性,讓使用者能簡易操作的智慧型輔助多功能訓練機,驗證手腳並用運動的優勢。並加入智慧型輔助功能的情況下,能造福銀髮族或肢體行動不便者,減少醫療人力,節省醫療資源。


The purpose of this thesis is to combine the functions of multiple body training systems, including intelligent simulated hippotherapy machine, boating and dumbbells training to develop a compound exercise system which can train not only upper/lower limb but also core muscles of human beings in the same time. Owing to the multiple training design, this system would be helpful to the rehabilitation of disabled patients, and also can be used as a normal workout machine. The research work includes the mechanical design, control system with intelligent assistant and mechatronic systems. The developed machine enables the user to train the upper body with the intelligent simulated hippotherapy machine in the same time. The major part of this research is the design of weight training machine, using the torque control with a servo motor as a auxiliary resourse of power, meanwhile using a cable as a confrontation of the medium. While using this system, the users can adjust the weight according to their own strength, doing anaerobic and cardio exercise training under a safe workout space. Regarding the inconvenience of normal rehabilitation training which requires lots of assistant , the main purpose of this research is to develop the low-cost intelligent assisted multi-function training machine. This enable the users to operate it easily with both upper/lower limb. With the function of intelligent assisted, it would economize medical manpower and resources and bring benefits to those disablers and elderly.


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