  • 學位論文


A Study of the progress of African American in the United States: The Case of the 1992 Los Angeles Riots

指導教授 : 李本京 黃介正


本論文主旨在於闡述黑人族裔從20世紀以來,在美國多元文化社會的各類型問題演進,並以一九九二年洛杉磯大暴動為背景,分析與探討事件的前因,以及相關問題與發展。在研究方法上以歷史研究法與文獻分析法為主,來分析與討論黑人族裔在美國的各項社會問題。 1992年洛杉磯大暴動,此事件導火線為四名洛杉磯白人警察涉嫌「使用過當武力」,毆打違規超速的肇事者非裔美籍的嫌犯羅德尼金。事後四名警察無罪釋放,導致上千名對此判決不滿的非裔與弱勢族群上街抗議,引發一連串暴動。整起內亂造成超過10億美元的財產損失,並有約53人於暴動中死亡,數千人受輕重傷,堪稱美國歷年來最嚴重的暴動之一。造成洛杉磯暴動的原因涉及層面極廣,包括長期將不同移民文化置於美國社會,在各族群文化、語言以及生活風俗習慣之差異下,各類型的社會問題自然層出不窮地發生。 本論文的研究架構分為五章,首章為緒論,解釋撰寫此論文的動機與研究目的。第二章為評述洛杉磯大暴動過程與發此暴動的原因。第三章則聚焦於黑人族裔在20世紀的社會參與,探討在一連串事件後的20世紀,黑人族裔在美國社會的各種影響。第四章為探討黑人族裔在21世紀中,所面臨的困境與全新挑戰。包括仇恨犯罪、用毒問題、社會福利與多元文化教育,以及放眼未來的的全新展望。第五章則是結論,把各章的重點大略再概述一遍,並且綜合以上各章的分析討論,提出論文的研究發現作為總結。


The main purpose of this thesis is to describe, analyze and critically examine the process of the rights of African American under the multicultural America. The thesis uses "The 1992 Los Angeles Riots" as background to analyze and discuss the problems, reasons and related issues and development. The research method is mainly based on historical analysis approach and literature review in order to analyze and discuss the African American social problems. The 1992 Los Angeles Riots was ignited after a trial jury acquitted four Los Angeles Police Department officers of assault and use of excessive force. The officers were videotaped beating an African-American motorist Rodney King following a high-speed police pursuit. Thousands of people throughout the metropolitan area in Los Angeles rioted over four days following the announcement of the verdict. Unfortunately, the riots caused property loss over one billion dollars in Los Angeles. In total, 53 people were killed during the riots and over two thousand people were injured. The causes of 1992 Los Angeles riots is very wide, inclusive of settle many immigrants from different culture in America. Under the differences of cultures, languages, habits and social problems, the riots would be occurred in many ways. The structure of the thesis is divided into five chapters. The introduction chapter is describes the motive and purpose of the whole thesis. The second chapter introduces and analyses the process of 1992 Los Angeles Riots. The third chapter focused on the African American in the 20th century described the impact on African American after a series of riots. The fourth chapter explores the predicament faced in the new century. Including hate crime, drug problems, social welfare, multi-culture education and look to the future of the new outlook. The fifth and concluding chapter summarizes each chapter, concludes and organizes the chapters above, and brings out the finding of the research as ending.


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