  • 學位論文


A study of Somdet Phra Chao Taksin Maharat (1734-1782) King of Thonburi Dynasty in Thailand

指導教授 : 周德良


西元1767年的「阿育陀耶淪陷」是泰國歷史中非常重要的一段,因為在被緬甸淪陷之前,暹羅靠著與東西方的貿易,成為了一個非常繁榮富庶的國家,但是在短短的一兩年內,國家中樞被緬甸給滅亡,整個國家充滿的戰爭與飢餓,往日的繁榮不再。 而接著「阿育陀耶淪陷」之後的時期,就是鄭信帶領泰國人反攻緬甸,進而建立「吞武里王朝」的歷史故事,這段歷史在泰國人心中的感覺,就有點像從「靖康之變」到「紹興議和」這段歷史在中國的人心中感覺。所以這段時期在泰國文化中知名度相當高,被大量的文學、戲劇等等所引用。 本次論文透過調查法,有目的、有系統地搜集有關「吞武里國王」鄭信的在中國以及泰國史籍中的資料,並總結出他在中泰文化交流以及對泰國歷史中的貢獻,並期望能做到拋磚引玉的效果,吸引更多人投入對於中泰文化交流的研究領域。


吞武里王朝 鄭信 鄭昭 達信大帝


The fall of Ayutthaya in 1767 is a very important part of Thailand’s history, because before the fall of Burma, Siam relied on trade with East and West to become a very prosperous and prosperous country, but in a short period of time. Within two years, the national center was destroyed by Burma, the whole country was full of war and hunger, and the prosperity of the past no longer. In the period after "the fall of Ayutthaya", Zheng Xin led the Thais to counterattack Burma and established the "Thonburi Dynasty".The feeling of this history in the hearts of Thais is a bit like the history from "Jingkang incident" to "Treaty of Shaoxing" is felt in the hearts of Chinese people. Therefore, this period is very well-known in Thai culture and is quoted by a lot of literature, drama, etc. In this thesis, through the investigation method, it purposefully and systematically collected information about the "King Thonburi" Zheng Xin in Chinese and Thai historical records, and summarized his cultural exchanges between China and Thailand and his contribution to Thai history. And hope to achieve the effect of attracting new ideas and attract more people to invest in the research field of cultural exchanges between China and Thailand.


