  • 學位論文


The Research of Chung Mei Yin's essay material

指導教授 : 呂正惠 蘇敏逸


在台灣當代散文史上,一向對五0年代台灣女性作家抱持刻板印象,很少引起研究者的注意與關心,如果有也多半以小說為主,鮮少研究散文。事實上,鍾梅音在當時受歡迎的程度並不亞於琦君、艾雯、林海音……等人,堪稱是當時頗負盛名的一位散文家。本論文試圖彌補這文學史上的空缺,從鍾梅音的生平經歷、懷念家鄉、家庭生活、婚姻與兒女各方面來探討,希望大家對當時「二音」中的鍾梅音能有完整的瞭解與評價。 本論文的研究架構共計分文七章: 第一章 緒論 本章分為二節,第一節旨在說明本論文的研究動機與研究目的。第二節則是相關文獻的回顧,最後勾勒本論文的組織架構。 第二章 鍾梅音的生平經歷與文學創作觀 本章分為四節,第一節大陸成長期,談鍾梅音幼年喘病纏身、童年生活及中學生活的不順遂,十九歲結婚之後隨夫婿來台。第二節台灣生活期,談及定居蘇澳六年的鄉居閒情,之後遷居台北,生下次女余令恬,內容分為:一、「家台灣」的書寫,二、初試寫作-雞的故事,三、填詞才華-金門頌,四、主持節目-藝文夜談,五、旅遊先鋒-海天遊蹤五部分。第三節海外定居期,內容分為一、旅居泰國、新加坡,二、痛苦的昇華-旅人的故事,三、定居洛杉磯-罹患帕金森三部分。第一、二、三節闡述鍾梅音短暫卻燦爛的一生。第四節文學創作觀,將她的文學創作觀分為寫作的源起、過程、基礎、理論、風格五部分來說明。 第三章 親情與懷鄉 本章分為四節,將鍾梅音的大陸生活做完整的說明。第一節父親,談父代母職的父親對其影響的深遠。第二節母親,談鍾梅音對母親情感上的轉變及依戀。第三節懷鄉,由直接書寫--故園之思與間接書寫--今昔對照兩部分,闡述鍾梅音對大陸家鄉的懷念。第四節其他人物,舉出外祖父、外祖母、二妹、弟弟、嫂嫂、姨娘及趙東元老師七位,道出與親人無法再見面的悲哀、對姨娘的不諒解與對老師的感恩與尊敬。 第四章 搬家與居家 本章分為三節,將鍾梅音的居家生活做完整的說明。第一節搬家趣聞,內容分為租屋、家當、搬運、鄰居、取名五部分描寫。第二節居家空間,分懷念鄉居生活、公寓生活點滴、主婦住宅理論三部分書寫。第三節寫鍾梅音的居家生活,居家生活在她十九本散文中,佔了相當大的篇幅,分為簡單—以家人為圓心的生活主調、柴米油鹽記實、家庭事業難兼顧三部分來描寫。 第五章 婚姻與兒女 本章分為三節,將鍾梅音的婚姻生活與兒女間的互動做完整的說明。第一節婚姻生活,談鍾梅音與夫婿間的鶼鰈情深,與她對婚姻制度、婚姻生活的看法。第二節談鍾梅音的兒女,鍾梅音詳細記錄了與兒子余占正及女兒余令恬間的互動,言談中盡是滿滿的期待。第三節則談鍾梅音對兒女的教育,並抒發對當前教育的看法。 第六章 海外遊蹤 本章分為三節,闡述鍾梅音名聞當時的《海天遊蹤》一書。第一節社會背景,書寫當時出國不易的社會背景,及這本書為社會所帶來的震撼。第二節談此書的特色,不只寫景,其中歷史故事的運用,使讀者就像是跟著鍾梅音在臥遊。第三節談此書中鍾梅音將台灣與各國比較,言談中流露出濃濃的愛國情誼。 第七章 結論 將鍾梅音的一生—家庭生活、婚姻、兒女、著作做完整的總結,突顯出鍾梅音與當時文學主流「反共文藝」不同的地方,期能讓鍾梅音能有不同於以往的文學定位。


On prose history of Taiwan at present﹐people always hold mechanical impression for authoress of Taiwan in fifty time, it aroused very few concern and notice of researcher, if have , there was more novel than prose. In fact, Chung Mei Yin that was popular at that time was not inferior in persons such as Chi Chun﹐Ai Wen﹐Lin Hai Yin . She has a reputation for prose writer then. The paper attempted to recover the vacanct on literature history﹒Since each aspect of experience of life, sighing for hometown, family life, marriage and children of Chung Mei Yin to discuss﹒I hope that everyone can understand and appraise Chung Mei Yin between〝two Yin〞 completely. The research architecture of this paper come to 7 chapters: First chapter Introduction This chapter was divided into two sections, 1th section:to aime at explaining research motivation and the research purpose of this paper. 2nd section:to looke back of related document and tofigure out organization architecture of this paper finally. Second chapter The experience of life and Chung Mei Yin﹐s point of literature creation This chapter was divided into four sections, 1th section:she grew in China and got pant in childhood and was unpropitious in childhood life and middle school life﹒She came to Taiwan with husband after marriage in 19 years old . 2nd section:it talked about period of Taiwan life﹒She settled down Su Ao for country-life during 6 years and moving Taipei and gave birth second daughter that was named Yu Ling Tien﹒Content was divided into five parts: 一 、 Writing for living Taiwan﹒二、The first writing about a story of chickens﹒三、The ability of filling out term-Quemoy laud﹒四、To preside over programme about speaking of article﹒五、Be a travel vanguard - hai tien you tzung. 3rd section: she was settled down overseas ﹐content was divided into three parts :一、 living Thai, Singaporean﹒二、 sublimation of pain- a traveller﹐s story﹒ 三、 settling down Los Angeles-suffer from Pa Chin Sen. It elaborated Chung Mei Yin﹐s life that was short but bright in 1th﹐2nd and 3rd section. 4th section: about point of literature creation , it was divided into five parts with the source、 course 、basic、theoretical、style of writing to explain. Third chapter Parentage and sigh for hometown This chapter was divided into 4 sections, I will explain Chung Mei Yin﹐s life in China completely. 1th section: about her father, to talk about he who was acting mother influence her far-reachingly . 2nd section: about her mother , to talk about Chung Mei Yin﹐s change and attach on mother emotionally. 3rd section: about sighing for hometown , from direct writing- think of native land and collateral writing - to compare two parts of the present and the past﹒It elaborated that Chung Mei Yin sighed for China. 4th section :about sevsral people of grandfather, grandmother,second sister, yonger brother, sister-in-law, aunt and the Chao Tung Yuan sir , it was sad to no more meet kinsfolk and did not excuse aunt and felt grateful and respect for teacher. Fourth chapter Remove and daily life at home This chapter was divided into 3 sections, I will explain Chung Mei Yin﹐s domestic life completely. 1th section:about interesting news for removing , content was divided into five parts of rent a house﹐chattel , tote , neighbour to describe . 2nd section:about dwelling space﹐It was divided into three parts that think of house life,living condition of apartment and theory of housewife residential. 3rd section:to write Chung Mei Yin﹐s domestic life , it occupied large part in her nineteen books of proses﹒It was simple divided into three parts to describe-taking life pace of family for a circle , documental of wood ﹐metre ﹐oil and salt and do not looking after family and bussiness. Fifth chapter Marriage and children This chapter was divided into three sections, I will explain the marriage life and children o f Chung Mei Yin completely. 1th section:the marriage life , to talk about deep feeling between Chung Mei Yin and her husband , with her view for marriage system and marriage life. 2nd section :to talk Chung Mei Yin﹐s children, she detailly record the interaction with son-Yu Chan Cheng and daughter-Yu Ling Tien﹒It was full of expectation in chat. 3rd section:to talk the education for children and to express the view for present education. Sixth chapter Hai Tien YouTzung This chapter was divided into three sections,it elaborated a Chung Mei Yin﹐s book which was famous for Hai Tien You Tzung. 1th section:the social background, it was writed by the social background which did not be easy to go abroad at that time and this book brought shake for society. 2nd section:to talk about the characteristic of this book, did not write scene only, the application of historical story made reader as if follow Chung Mei Yin to travel . 3rd section:to talk about Chung Mei Yin comparing Taiwan to countries in this book and to show patriotic friendship in chat. Seventh chapter Conclusion It concluded completely that Chung Mei Yin﹐s all life about Family lives , marriage, children and writtings﹒It was showed difference between she and anti-Comintern﹒I expected that she had literature character which was different from the past . Key word:Chung Mei Yin、authoress、、Hai Tien YouTzung、fifty time


Chung Mei Yin authoress Hai Tien YouTzung the 1950s





