  • 學位論文


A study on Taiwan Consumer’s Usage intention of E-commerce service –A Perspective of TAM Model

指導教授 : 張俊惠 何宜芳


肇因於近年來資訊科技的大幅躍進,一般民眾的消費模式自西元2010年後產生了結構上的巨變。根據國外專業市調機構預測,至2022年臺灣電子商務消費市場規模將超過新臺幣2兆元,佔總體零售市場的8.1% (全球測量公司尼爾森,2018)。為競食這塊零售業大餅,各家臺灣電商平台接連成立,並進駐各式電子裝置(如平板電腦、手機等),便於消費者隨時掏錢線上購物,箇中翹楚如Yahoo、PChome及蝦皮拍賣等。 隨著時代演進,臺灣電商生態即將邁入下個階段的競爭,電商平台相較傳統網站亦轉型提升。電商環境一直不斷變化,但消費者在意的仍舊是服務及需求的滿足。然而在為數眾多的競爭者中,能永續經營並保有一定競爭力的業者屈指可數。綜觀這塊消費市場的經營策略,電商平台的設計如何對焦一般民眾的使用行為並產生黏著度,絕對是整個電商消費市場值得關注的議題之一。因此本研究將針對臺灣消費者對於電商通路之使用行為進行調查分析並給予建議。 本研究運用技術接受模型來探討臺灣消費者對「知覺易用性」、「知覺有用性」以及「態度」對使用意圖的影響,同時並探討臺灣電商市場中知覺易用性對於使用意圖的影響過程中,知覺有用性與態度是否扮演重要的中介角色。 本研究使用SPSS 22.0版與LISREL 8.71版作為資料分析之工具。透過結構方程式分析來驗證,並取得以下結論: 一、 在臺灣電商平台市場中,知覺易用性會顯著影響消費者的使用意圖。 二、 就臺灣電商平台市場而言,知覺易用性對使用意圖影響過程中,知覺有用性與態度確實扮演重要的中介角色。


Due to the significant leap in Information Technology in recent years, the general public's consumption pattern has undergone structural changes since 2010. According to the forecast of foreign professional market agencies, the scale of e-commerce market in Taiwan will exceed NT$2 trillion by 2022, accounting for 8.1% of the overall retail market (The Nielsen Company (US),2018). In order to compete for this profitable market, various Taiwan e-commerce platforms have been established one after another, and are used in various electronic devices (tablet, mobile phones, etc.) to facilitate consumers to online-shopping at any time, such as Yahoo, PChome and Shopee. With the progress of the times, Taiwan's e-commerce ecosystem is about to enter the next stage of competition. E-commerce platforms have also been transformed compared to traditional ones. The e-commerce environment has been constantly changing, but consumers are still concerned about the satisfaction of services and needs. However, among the many competitors, there are only a handful of companies who can maintain a certain level of competitiveness. Overall the business strategy of e-commerce market, how the design of the e-commerce platform corresponds to the usage behavior of the general public and produces customer stickiness, is definitely one of the worthy topics. The study will investigate and analyze the use of e-commerce by Taiwanese consumers. The study uses a “Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)” to explore the impact of Taiwanese consumers on "Perceived Usefulness(PU)," "Perceived Ease Of Use(PEOU)," and "Attitude" on “Consumers' intentions” of e-commerce, at the same time, it explores whether perceived Usefulness(PU) and attitude play an important intermediary role. The study used SPSS version 22.0 and LISREL version 8.71 as tools for data analysis, verify and obtain the following conclusions through structural equation analysis : 1. In Taiwan e-commerce platform market, Perceived Ease Of Use(PEOU) can significantly affect consumers' intentions. 2. For Taiwan e-commerce platform market, Perceived Usefulness(PU) and Attitude do play an important intermediary role in the impact of Perceived Ease Of Use(PEOU) on consumers' intentions.


一、 中文文獻
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