  • 學位論文


The Needs Assessment of the Functions of E-Learning Usability Testing Laboratory

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


本研究針對台灣數位學習相關領域,對於數位學習使用效能測試實驗室之功能需求進行調查評估,旨在探討各大學相關系所、單位,數位學習產業以及政府相關單位等數位學習領域,對於使用效能評鑑之需求以及評鑑功能需求程度。 本研究以全台數位學習領域共189名研究對象進行問卷調查,並邀請兩位使用效能領域以及數位學習領域之專家進行訪談,歸納出數位學習相關領域與數位學習使用效能測試實驗室所能提供之評鑑功能的需求關係,以及各項評鑑方法的適合性,作為未來實驗室運作之建議。「數位學習使用效能測試實驗室功能需求評估問卷」共發放189份,有效回收61份,回收率32.28%。 本研究結果顯示: 一、依據評鑑對象、目的、需求的不同,數位學習使用效能評鑑之評鑑功能及評鑑方法皆會視需求差異有所不同。 二、本實驗室應依據各個發展階段進行之數位學習使用效能評鑑功能,包括:學習者分析、學習內容分析、資源環境分析、競爭者分析、產品模型檢視、學習平台設計評鑑、學習者介面滿意度評鑑、互動性檢視與評鑑、介面易用性檢視與評鑑等九項功能。 三、根據問卷調查以及專家訪談之結果,對於評鑑功能之需求,就前期部分需求程度依序為(1)學習者分析;(2)學習內容分析;(3)資源環境分析;(4)競爭者分析。中期部份,需求程度依序為(1)介面設計撿視;(2)互動性檢視;(3)產品模型檢視;(4)競爭者分析。後期部份,需求程度依序為(1)介面易用性評鑑;(2)學習者介面滿意度評鑑;(3)互動性評鑑;(4)學習平台設計檢視;(5)競爭者分析。各領域分別之需求未產生明顯差異,唯一與專家意見有所差異處,認為「學習者介面使用效能評鑑」評鑑功能不適合用於此階段。 四、根據專家訪談結果的分析,數位學習產品發展前期適合進行專家檢視,以及目標對象之焦點團體、紙本雛型瀏覽等評鑑方法。中期以品雛型執行啟發式評鑑以及使用者測試,以放聲思考、焦點團體等評鑑方法收集資料。後期執行啟發式評鑑檢視成品,使用者測試與使用效能調查則綜合運用放聲思考、使用記錄、焦點團體、訪談、觀察、問卷、使用者回饋等評鑑方法。進行產品的修改時,則以使用者測試為主,透過使用記錄資料的分析以及使用者回饋,進行使用效能問題的發現與改善。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the needs of the functions of e-learning usability testing laboratory for the field of e-learning, e.g. related department and unit of university, and the appropriate evaluation methods. 189 questionnaires were sent to all the field of e-learning in Taiwan. There were 61returned and valid rate of return is 32.28%. This study also invited two experts who have a specialty in e-learning and usability research to have an interview. According to the result of the questionnaires and experts interview, the researcher generalized the needs relation of the field of e-learning and e-learning usability testing laboratory. The conclusions of the research were summarized as follow: 1. To stand on the different targets, objectives or needs, the functions of e-learning usability evaluation will be variable depending on the needs. 2. The e-learning usability testing laboratory should implement the functions of usability evaluation base on different developing stages, including learner analysis, learning content analysis, resources and environments analysis, competitions analysis, prototype survey, evaluating the design of learning platform, learner evaluation for the satisfaction of the interface, interactions survey and evaluation, and, the survey and evaluation of the usability of interface. 3. According to the result of questionnaires and experts interviews, the needs of evaluative functions in earlier stage were ranked by importance as learner analysis, learning content analysis, resources and environments analysis, and competitions analysis. In middle stage, the functions were ranked by importance as interface design survey, interactions survey, prototype survey, and competitions analysis. In final stage, the functions were ranked by importance as evaluation of the usability of interface, learner evaluation for the satisfaction of the interface, interactions evaluation, learning platform design survey, and competitions analysis. All fields in e-learning have no obvious variation about the needs of functions. Only learner evaluation for the satisfaction of the interface arises different opinion between the experts and questionnaires. The experts suggested this function is not suitable in this stage. 4. According to the analysis of the result of experts interviews, in the earlier stage of the development of e-learning products suited the evaluation methods like “expert review”, and “focus group”, “paper walkthrough” for target user. In the middle stage, the suit evaluation methods will be “heuristic evaluation” and user testing based on “think aloud” and “focus group”. In the final stage, the suit evaluation methods will be “heuristic evaluation” and user testing based on “think aloud”, “logging actual use”, “focus group”, “interview”, “observation”, “questionnaires”, and “user feedback”. When the products need to be modified, the main evaluation methods will base on user testing, using “logging actual use” and “user feedback” to discover the usability problems and make advices.


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