  • 學位論文


A Study on the Creativities of Culture and Creative Industries―― Take the Publishing Industry as an Example

指導教授 : 崔成宗


美國好萊塢電影工業、可口可樂和麥當勞飲食文化普及全球,以及迪士尼樂園成功地在世界各地打造無數個滿足孩童奇想的夢幻王國後,人們開始意識到文化創意產業的影響與力量,各國政府及民間企業紛紛投入相關產業的研究與開發。 近年來,根據韓國以流行文化搶灘,帶動國內觀光旅遊以及自製產業國際化的成功案例,我們相信文化創意產業在新一波的經濟趨勢中必將成為主流。據詹宏志分析,相對於亞洲多數國家,台灣的圖書出版產業具有自由、活潑的競爭優勢,因此以圖書出版之內容去行銷台灣精神與文化內涵,或將成為創造台灣新經濟奇蹟的一大利基。 然而,空有豐沛的文化內涵並不能就此讓我們在經濟發展上逆轉勝,除非在經營、包裝,以及內容開發與呈現等層面,能源源不絕地激發新奇並可誘發需求的創意因子。 本書首章開宗明義,概論文化創意產業在整體世界經濟發展的趨勢與重要。 第二章則系統性地論述文化創意的定義與重要性,並以廣闊的角度,發掘個別文化創意產業對社會、經濟、國家競爭力等面向的重要影響,再進一步論述「創意」在這些產業裡所扮演的「汰舊」與「革新」的角色。 第三章聚焦在圖書出版產業。根據圖書出版的萌芽、發展進程做一梳理,並探討在當前以營利為企業經營目的之環境中,圖書出版如何從昔日封閉的菁英流傳系統,轉型為今日以市場導向為主軸的商業模組。而「創意」元素在此過程中以何種型態幫助該產業完成過渡與持續的進步,也是本章探論的要點。 在闡述了圖書出版產業與其他文化創意產業中的創意呈現後,第四章即以二者的互助模式做分析,以諸多實例驗證「創意」在此領域中的關鍵角色扮演,包括其如何活化自身產業,也包括其如何為圖書出版產業及其他類別的文化創意產業延伸觸角,彼此串連。 第五章為全書結論,統合圖書出版產業之創意與其他相關文化創意產業之創意,導引出一個積極、樂觀的前景。本書的撰寫是期盼透過個人對創意的培養,以及創意產業自身之開闊、壯大,連結並成就更為多元、緊密的文化創意產業體系,為台灣文化開創嶄新藍海,將台灣精神推向國際社會。在這個不景氣的時代,為台灣開創另一波強力的經濟奇蹟。


When the Hollywood, Coca-Cola and McDonald become the universal culture and the Disney Company builds the Magic Kingdom all over the world to make children of Disney World make all children’s dream come true, people are aware of that the power of the Industry of Culture and Originality, and governments also develop the research for this industry. In these years, since the Korean popular culture drives the domestic tourism industry and make the domestic business to go worldwide, we deeply believe that the Industry of Culture and Originality is the mainstream of next economic trend. According to the analysis by Chan Hung-Chih, the industry of publication in Taiwan has the competitive advantage of Freedom and Motivation. Based on these advantages, Taiwanese Spirit and Culture can be promoted to the whole world, and those can be the foundation of next Economic Miracle in Taiwan. However, the abundant culture is not the only factor for us to win the war of economic development. We still need to inspire and bring out more outstanding idea from the area of management, packaging and development of content. On the 1st chapter, it briefly states how important the Industry of Culture and Originality to the worldwide economic development. On the 2nd chapter, it discusses the definition and the importance of the creativeness in culture industry. And it also discusses with the board point of view to discuss the influence of Industry of Culture and Originality to the society, economic and country. Moreover, it also deeply discusses the Originality plays two important roles in this industry, “Elimination” and “Revolution”. On the chapter 3, it focuses on the revolution of Industry of Publication. How it transforms from the traditional literature to the business model with market orientation. Another point is how the originality helps the whole processing of revolution. Also, the publication industry should work with other related industry of culture and originality to form the interdependent industry. On the chapter 4, there have several life cases to prove the vital position for the Originality in this industry, including how to activate this industry and how the publication cooperates to other industries. On the chapter 5, it includes that the idea of Publication and Culture and Originality bring out the enthusiastic and positive future. Finally, the book presents the idea that through the personal cultivation of originality and board industry of Culture and Original to create a new industry with multicultural concept, and carry the Taiwan Spirit to the worldwide.


大木 康:〈從出版文化的進路談明清敘事文學〉,台北:中國文哲研究所《通訊》第17卷第3期(2007年9月),頁175∼178。


