  • 學位論文


A research on the development of a cloud platform as a supplementary aid to teaching English sentence patterns

指導教授 : 陳慶帆


隨著雲端科技發展與校園設備的汰換更新,帶來許多新的軟硬體以及在教學上的不同應用的同時,也帶來一些挑戰和疑慮,包含既有教學媒體與輔助工具是否仍能適用在新的硬體與操作習慣上,以及大型雲端架構是否會被商業財團壟斷等,本研究發展一套基於英語句型教學流程的輔助工具,目的在於製作能夠應用於目前主流設備,涵蓋傳統練習題不能滿足的句型練習模式,除了提供教學者另一種選擇之外,也期望帶給在雲端教育發展更多開放自由的教學軟體。 本研究的設計參考由其它研究者所提出之「以曼陀羅思考法引導句型學習」的概念為基礎,將其發想句型中的單字�片語的精神融入到設計裡,試圖減少教學者在備課與學習者在練習時候,不必要的重複動作以節省時間,使得焦點能夠放在多嘗試句子組成之上。輔以雲端技術的協助,在不需安裝的前提之下,讓不同的裝置能夠一同進行教學活動,並且讓教學者可以更即時的得知每位學習者在練習時的狀況。 由評鑑與試教後的訪談得知,雲端技術搭配新一代的手持裝置有助於提升學習意願,而新的學習環境需要有指引與復原機會來讓學習者安心練習,勇於嘗試不同的可能。介面中內容與操作流程的安排,是需要不斷被嘗試再修正的過程,才能夠將新的資訊技術轉化成適合在課堂中發揮的成果。


As new trends and development set forth in cloud technology, the educational field is faced with constant waves of changes in both hardware and software technologies in fashion. Several challenges and questions of concerns were raised. Concerns such as whether educational media and supplementary aids are compatible with the new hardwares. How educators integrate these constant software changes and adaptation of the latest technologies into their habitual teaching routines. In turn, whether large cloud platform may be monopolized by large conglomerate. This research is based on the design and construction of a cloud platform as a supplementary teaching tool which offers students step by step interactive construction practices of English sentence patterns. The cloud allows users easy and ubiquitous access from computers and mobile technological devices despite the hindrance due to different system programs thus providing exercises which traditional repetition drills modules could not. Besides from providing educators with another option, the development of such a cloud platform also aims to encourage more entry for developers of this field in keeping cloud technology an open market. This research is an extension from another researcher's on the design and construction of a cloud platform as a supplementary teaching tool based upon the theoretical foundation of the Mandala theory. The designer aims to offer decrease unnecessary preparation time on lesson design for educators. While for students, step by step interactive construction practices of English sentence patterns, and focus on construction of combination of sentence construction and away from unnecessary repetitive drills. Educators can utilize the cloud platform according to the teaching plans by entering the targeted structured sentence patterns during preparation before class. Students are encouraged to build up their vocabulary banks on the cloud platform. The intention is to draw students attention towards concentrating on the guided logical steps on the construction and structures of the sentence patterns, instead of memorization or recalling of learned vocabularies. The cloud platform offers students to create structured sentences guided interactively and in turn build passages from the sentences structurally created. This supplementary teaching tool offers ubiquitous learning where users can easily access through the varies information and communications technology (ICT) available and not limit to certain computers or mobile devices depending on its program system. Quick start ups, no installation required, offers educators the availability option of either integrating this supplementary tool on cloud as part of or for use independently according to the lesson plan. Educators is able to get a better understanding of students record from the instant feedback during the exercise on the cloud platform. Results from qualitative data collected shown a significant raise in students' learning interest when the cloud platform is used with the latest handheld technology. New learning environment needs instant feedback and guidance for learners to feel comfortable while trying out new possibilities under a new innovative learning environment. The design of the cloud platform need constant and continuous testing trials and correction to ensure the platform is suitable for use by educators for the desired result.


Hakan Erdogmus. (2009). Cloud computing: Does Nirvana hide behind the Nebula? IEEESoftware, 26(2), 4-6.


