  • 學位論文


The study on the Co-opetition of U.S.-China Cyber Strategy from Strategic Reassurance

指導教授 : 趙春山


美國及以色列為了拖延伊朗研發核子武器的進程而共同研發了 「震網」蠕蟲病毒。2010 年11月,「震網」網路蠕蟲,讓伊朗將近一千部濃縮鈾核子離心機癱瘓,宣告了網路攻擊已突破了網際空間的界線,足以摧毀攻擊對象的重要關鍵基礎設施。不幸的是,「震網」蠕蟲已透過網際網路散播至各國,使得網路安全問題成為各國的國安問題。繼「震網」之後,「火焰」、「雷金」等複雜的網路武器陸續被發現,顯示開發網路武器的組織並沒有因「震網」蠕蟲所帶來的威脅而停手,目前世界各國紛紛將網路安全提升為國家安全戰略等級。 隨著冷戰結束及蘇聯的解體,國際體系從兩極體系轉變為美國超強的單極體系。全球化及資訊化時代的來臨,造就了許多善於利用網路科技爭奪權力與主導權的非國家行為者。世界正面對一個更加複雜的國際體系與國際議題,新體系所產生的威脅,使得世界各國在面對這樣的變化,都面臨了不同程度適應上的困難。 美「中」關係正處在一個十字路口,雖然北京及華盛頓都認為美「中」關係是當前最重要的一組雙邊關係,但雙方對彼此長遠戰略意圖的不信任卻持續昇高,一旦雙方的「戰略互疑」持續升高,可能引發兩國之間的摩擦、甚至衝突。 本研究主要以「戰略再保證」政策工具來探討美「中」網路戰略的競合,主要研究目標有三。第一、研究網路戰的發展;第二、研究美「中」網路戰略布局;第三、分析美「中」網路戰略競合關係發展前景。


In order to delay Iran's nuclear weapons program and development, the United States and Israel jointly developed the “Stuxnet” worm.In November 2010, Stuxnet destroyed nearly one thousand Iranian nuclear centrifuges. It proclaimed that cyber-attacks had the ability to destroy the enemy's critical infrastructure, and had exceeded the boundary of cyberspace. Unfortunately, the Stuxnet had spread to the world through the internet, so that cyber security had become national security issues around the world.After the Stuxnet, more complex cyber weapons such as “Flame” and “Regin” had been found. It means that the threat of Stuxnet didn’t stop the development of the cyber weapons. At present, many countries enhance their cyber security as National Security Strategy. With the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the USSR, the bipolar international system transformed in unipolarity and the US emerged as the only superpower. The arrival of the age of globalization and information has led to an increase in the power of non-state actors (NSAs) on the global stage. The world is facing a more complex international system and global affairs. The threats to this new international system are diffused to many countries, are expressed at different levels and have different levels of intensity. The U.S.-China relations are at a crossroads. Although both Beijing and Washington consider the U.S.-China relationship to be the most important in the world, distrust of each other’s long term strategic intentions has grown to a dangerous degree. The growing “strategic distrust” might lead to friction, and even conflict. This research is studied for the co-opetition of U.S.-China cyber strategy from the policy of “strategic reassurance”. There are three purposes in this study. 1.Study on the development of cyber war. 2.The U.S.-China strategic layout about cyber war. 3.The co-opetition of U.S.-China cyber strategy.


