  • 學位論文


The U.S. military "Air Sea Battle":The role of F-22

指導教授 : 曾復生
共同指導教授 : 陳文政(Wen-Zheng Chen)


中共1978年開始推行「改革開放」,先後採用「引進來」、「走出去」政策,創造了舉世耀眼的經濟奇蹟。中共在經濟長足進步及迅速累積財富後,接著推行「軍事現代化」,目前中共的國防經費額度僅次於美國,更加深世人對「中國威脅論」的疑慮。中共雖然一再表明採用「人不犯我、我不犯人;人若犯我、我必犯人」的用武原則,但中共現階段軍力現代化目標為全力研發「不對稱作戰武器」,其目的係為執行「反介入」戰略,以削弱美軍在中國大陸周邊地區行動能力,尤其J-20戰機的試飛成功更舉世震驚。 現代戰爭特別注重空權的掌握,没有空權即無法確保三軍行動自由,故美軍將軍事戰略特重「空海作戰」。美軍推動「空海一體戰」主要目的是,如何戰勝中共部隊,在亞太地區部署F-22係以其空優能力擔任作戰先鋒,在歷次東亞地區發生區域衝突時,美軍均以F-22進駐或參加演習,平息可能發生之爭端,憑藉的就是目前該型機無人能比的制空作戰能力。 「空海一體戰」分成兩作戰階段,而其關鍵重點為「致盲」作戰,就是要摧毀敵人觀通系統, F-22戰機可藉「隱形、超音速巡航、超機動能力及超級信息優勢」等性能,掃除在空域內的高性能敵機,並以攜帶之精密炸彈對敵防空重心完成攻擊,擔任「踹開敵國大門及攻堅」任務。F-22為當今世界最強之戰機,目前各國均不敢輕視其戰力,因此能扮演「戰略威懾」之角色。


空海一體戰 F-22 反介入


In 1978, the People's Republic of China (PRC) started the implementation of reforming and opening-up policy. "Bringing-in" and "going-out" policy was adopted, and thus created a dazzling economic miracle all over the world. The PRC carried out Military modernization after made considerable economic progress and accumulated wealth rapidly. So far, PRC's defense budget is just less than US. It raise "China threat theory" to the world. Although the PRC has repeatedly declared the principle of using force - an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, it, at this stage, pays all its attention on researching and developing asymmetric warfare weapons. The goal is to perform “Anti-Access” strategy and to weaken US capability around Mainland China, Particularly, J-20 fighter test flight was done successfully that dumbfounded the world. Modern warfare specially focus on the command of the air. The movement of forces cannot be assured without air power, so US forces pay lots of attention on "Air-Sea Warfare” U.S. military’s "Air Sea Battle" is aimed to defeat the PRC’s forces. With air superiority, F-22 was deployed the Asia-Pacific region as a combat Pioneer. In previous East Asia regional conflicts, US air force deployed F-22 to reduce the possibility of war. Air Sea Battle can be divided into two phases. The key focus for the" blinding "operations, is to destroy the enemy’s observation and communication system. With stealth, supersonic cruise, highly-mobile capability and super information advantages, the F-22 fighter can wipe out enemy aircraft in the airspace, and carry precision bombs to attack the enemy’s center of air defense. F-22 is, nowadays, the strongest fighter in the world, so it can play the role of "strategic deterrence".


Air-Sea Battle Anti-Acess F-22 Raptor


■王崑義,〈中國發展北斗衛星系統對台灣安全的威脅與因應之道〉,全球政治評論(Review of Global Politics),第三十四期(2011)。
