  • 學位論文


IMU-Based Image Stabilization for Humanoid Robot Walking

指導教授 : 鄭吉泰




This thesis presents a method for image stabilization when humanoid robot walking. Sensor feedback and motor angle situation are used to estimate the position and sight direction of camera of humanoid robot to make up for image information. In order to walk stably, humanoid robot has to swing body and move the center of mass of body to supporting leg. The swing of body effects image recognition to cause some errors for image object localization. This thesis designs an image stabilization system that getting sensor value from Inertial Measure Unit (IMU) for estimating robot attitude to correct image data. In IMU, a gyroscope is used to sense the angular velocity turn into the rotation angle by integration which is calculate in FPGA system. The rotation angle will adjust by Kalman filter in NIOS with the other angle estimation result from an accelerometer. IPC system determines the camera position and direction of sight according to the robot attitude from IMU and camera attitude from kinematics. Then IPC system correct the image information.


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