  • 學位論文


Deep Visual Tracking using Single Domain Neural Network with Reptile Meta-Learning

指導教授 : 蔡奇謚




The goal of visual tracking is to locate a specific object in the form of bounding box throughout a video or a sequence of images. While visual tracking has been one of the main topics in the field of computer vision for decades, it is still a very challenging topic. Visual tracking requires algorithms to recognize and locate objects down to instances level, and this requirement produces some unique challenges especially for some tracking algorithms based on deep learning techniques that require online leaning during the tracking process. Although deep leaning models could provide really strong and robust feature representation, it is easy to be over-fitted if given a really small set of training data thus making the overall performance throughout tracking poor. To deal with this issue, the proposed algorithm adopts first-order meta learning technique so that during initialization, the visual tracker only requires few training examples and few steps of optimization to perform well. Experiment results shows that it can achieve up to 66.4% of mean success rate on OTB2015 dataset.


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