  • 學位論文


The determinants of European migration crisis

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


歐洲近年面臨一場因移民大量湧入而影響境內的問題,多數學者以2010年的「阿拉伯之春」爆發做為起始點,將此次事件稱為「歐洲移民危機」。誠然,移民是一個錯綜複雜的現象,涉及到經濟、政治、安全多層面的問題,非一言以蔽之。而歐洲移民危機的成因為何?在單純的遷移行為背後,隱含著更多值得深究的元素,引起筆者研究此一主題的動機。 隨著時間推移,人類的遷移行為持續增加,其主要原因是想尋求更好的生活,從另一個角度意味著國與國之間的發展有所差異導致。故本文從經濟全球化開始探討,作為地區之間發展差異的背景建立。接著探討歐洲移民危機事件本身,危機一詞顯示著威脅到歐洲境內,首先探討事件發生的起始點,以及其引發的社會、安全問題;其次探討歐洲移民危機的來源地,深究中東及北非地區移民、難民增加的原因之事件。最後得出這些原因即是歐洲移民危機成因,一共分為三個大項,因素之間彼此環環相扣。在文末提出結語,為本文做整體性的論述。


In recent years, Europe has faced a problem that affects the territory due to the influx of migrants. Most scholars started with the "Arab Spring" outbreak in 2010 and called the incident "the European migration crisis." It is true that migration is a complex phenomenon involving multiple issues of economic, political and security issues. And what is the cause of the European migration crisis? Behind the simple migrant behavior, there are more elements worthy of further study, which has caused the author to study the motive of this topic. As time goes on, human migration has continued to increase, mainly because of the desire to seek a better life, and from another perspective, the different development between countries. Therefore, this paper begins with economic globalization as a background for regional development differences. Then discuss the European migration crisis itself, first explore the starting point of the incident, and the social and security issues it raises; Secondly, analyze the data of origin of the European migration crisis and study the causes of the increase in illegal immigrants and refugees in the Middle East and North Africa. Finally, find out these reasons are the cause of the European migration crisis. They are divided into three major items, and the factors are interlocked with each other. At the end of the paper, put forward the holistic conclusion.


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