  • 學位論文

2006 年墨西哥瓦哈卡州社會運動之研究

The Study of Mexico' Social Movement in Oaxaca

指導教授 : 王秀琦


2006 年在墨西哥南方的瓦哈卡州爆發一場嚴重的社會運動,這場 社會運動原本僅僅是教師的罷工事件,卻因為瓦哈卡州的州政府對 於民眾意見的壓制,以暴力傷害民眾,造成許多民眾傷亡,形成政 府與民眾對立的情勢。 這個社會運動對瓦哈卡州的民眾來說具有重要意義,在社會運動 過程中充分的動員民眾力量,集結成一個龐大的社會組織來對抗政 府,雖然在整個社會運動過程中造成許多民眾死傷,但民眾藉由這 次的運動中了解到民主的價值,並且於2010 年透過選舉州長的方 式,透過選票選擇出民眾心目中的理想州長人選。 本論文以政治社會學理論中權力關係以及社會行動理論,探討社 會體系當中各行為體之間的互動會影響整個社會的運作,一旦行為 者之間的互動出現變化,容易導致整個社會的失衡。藉由政治社會 學理論探討瓦哈卡社會運動政治行為者與民眾之間的互動,並且陳 述整個社會運動發生的原因和經過。


A social movement happened in Oaxaca, the southern state of Mexico in 2006. This social movement was starting from a peaceful teachers' strike; but the government of Oaxaca decided to repress their opinions on public affairs and used army forces to against those people. During that period of the social movement, a lot of people were assassinated, tortured, and disappeared...etc. And finally, this social movement led to a conflict between the government and people. This social movement had highly significant affection on people in Oaxaca; from that point, many social organizations were stimulated by the power of people and established the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca during this movement. Besides, due to so many people lost their lives in this conflict, people started to realize that the authority of the government was actually bad to people. After this social movement, people in Oaxaca decided to use their votes to express their voice and chose their governor in 2010 and realized the first party transition in Oaxaca. This Study is based on the "Theory of Power and The Structure of Social Action" and analyzed the interaction between different levels of the society. When one of the levels changes, the whole society may be unbalanced. Therefore, this is a study which analyzes the interaction between the power of government and people during the social movement in Oaxaca, Mexico; also briefly describes the process of this social movement which led to a huge impact in Mexico.


Social Movement Mexico Oaxaca teacher


王孝勇,〈社會運動的語藝批評:理論的論辯與意義〉,《傳播與管理研究》,第5 卷,第2 期,2005 年。
Ph.D. in Government, Department of Government, University of Essex, 2002.
林欣怡,《墨西哥原住民人權之研究》,(台北:淡江大學拉丁美洲研究所論文,民國96 年)。
蔡金伶,《2006 年墨西哥總統大選之研究》,(台北:淡江大學拉丁美洲研究所論文,民國96 年。)。
Limeddh, Accion Urgente Amnistia Internacional Defebsires de Derechos Humanos en Oaxaca ,( México: Limeddh, 2006)
