  • 學位論文


the impact of perceived value on the online shopping behavior of consumer.

指導教授 : 張俊惠


現今的社會當中,網路對於人們的日常生活來說已經是不可或缺的一項工具,而國際發卡商針對台灣網購消費者所做的調查顯示,台灣消費者在消費金額以及使用網購的年資上都是亞洲國家中的佼佼者,由此可知台灣網購市場已經相當成熟,而且資策會產業情報研究所(MIC)調查指出台灣網購市場產值年年都以百分之20的成長率在成長,以上種種都代表台灣網購市場是相當具規模,經濟部商業司也預測網購有機會成為下一個兆元產業。 對網購經營業者來說,掌握消費者的需求是他們亟需努力的方向,而知覺價值被許多學者認為是消費者衡量商品以及服務的指標,因為它可以讓廠商了解消費者的需求,甚至進一步預測消費者的購買意圖,故去探討知覺價值、與消費者一切購買相關行為將有助於網購經營業者建立自我的競爭優勢。 本研究目的有三,將深入去探討在台灣網購市場中: 1.深入剖析知覺價值與消費者的網購意圖之間兩個變數的關係。 2.探討消費者的態度是否會影響消費者網購意圖的發生。 3.了解在知覺價值影響網購意圖的過程中,態度是否扮演重要的中介角色。 問卷回收結果經資料分析後,本研究結果為: 1.在台灣網購市場中,網購價值會對消費者的網購意圖造成影響。 2.在台灣網購市場中,網購態度是網購意圖的關鍵要素。 3.在台灣網購市場中,網購態度是網購意圖與網購價值之間的重要中介角 色。


Internet has become an essantail part of daily life nowdays. Based on report of VISA, consumer in Taiwan is on the top of amount and years of online shopping between Asian countries. Therefore, online shopping in Taiwan has became a popular and normal shopping tool. According to the researches from MIC, the market of electronic commerce, especially in online shopping, is now growing up with a stunning speed. The research used 25-item measure. SPSS and LISREL, that can be used to assess the e-customer value, attitude, and behavior intention in online shopping environment. Five value dimensions emerged that were termed hedonic, utitarian, social, epistemic and perceived sacrifices. There are two findings from this research: (1) In Taiwan online shopping market, e-store operator should improve e-consumer value. (2)E-store operater should focus on e-consumer attitude toward online shopping.


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