  • 學位論文


The Application and Influence of Big Data in Taiwan Conference and Exhibition Services Industry

指導教授 : 林炯垚 孫嘉祈


臺灣屬狹長型海島國家,面積本身不大,天然資源有限,故發展外銷是臺灣的主要經濟策略,所以如何讓臺灣的產品走出臺灣、走向全世界便是要思考的重點。發展外貿一個重要的推展方式便是靠舉辦展覽將產品及產業介紹給世界各地的人或廠商。一個好的展覽,將會帶來的周邊收益,可謂是低投資、高報酬的綠色產業,經濟大國無不卯足全力發展會議及展覽服務產業。臺灣政府亦希望透過會議及展覽服務產業將臺灣的產品行銷至全世界。然而,由於產業外移,致使臺灣會議及展覽服務產業在B2B外銷型展覽的需求銳減,這迫使了臺灣會議及展覽服務產業往內需型的B2C展覽發展。故,臺灣會議及展覽產業業者更需要思考未來產業經營策略。近年來,因為大數據成為顯學,許多產業都希望能借由大數據做為決策的判斷標準,然而真正能夠運用大數據的企業並不多。而臺灣會議及展覽產業如何能藉由大數據的應用解析市場脈動、提升產業的價值,是值得探討的問題。 為深入瞭解臺灣會議及展覽服務業大數據使用現況及瞭解業者所需之大數據資訊。本論文透過專家訪談方式,邀請服務於臺灣會議及展覽服務業之五位中高階主管分享目前產業之大數據使用現況,並彙整受訪者之內容,探討大數據及其相關技術業者如何針對臺灣會議及展覽服務業業者對大數據所需之資訊提出因應之道。 本研究發現,目前雖然各臺灣會議及展覽服務業業者都知道大數據,然而都無法真正落實應用,主要的原因也是因為人力與資金的不足。若大數據及其相關技術業者能夠針對臺灣會議及展覽服務業業者所需要之資料提出相關軟體之全方位解決方案,並且能夠證明其做出之數據是具有專業性且來源可靠,將可為臺灣會議及展覽服務業業者省下許多走冤枉路的經費或是投資在不必要的行銷經費。


As Taiwan is a long island country, the area itself is not large and the island has limited natural resources. Therefore, the development of export is Taiwan's major economic strategy. Hence, it is important for Taiwan to consider how to export and show our products in front of people or customers throughout the world. An important way to promote products is holding exhibitions. A good exhibition will bring a host country seven to ten times peripheral benefits. It is indeed a green industry with low investment and high remuneration. The major economic powers are making every effort to develop the conference and exhibition service industry. The Taiwan government has also spent more than a decade devoting all its efforts to support the conventions and exhibition industries and hopes to market Taiwan's products to the world through the conference and exhibition service industries. Nonetheless, due to the relocation of industries in Taiwan, the demand of B2B exhibitions has dropped drastically, Taiwan Conference and Exhibition Service industry has forced the development of B2C exhibitions against the drop of B2B. Thus, Taiwan Conference and Exhibition Service Industry needs to think about industrial management strategies for the future. Recently, due to the booming of Big Data, many industries hope to rely on the analysis of Big Data prior to decision making. However, just few enterprises can really do it. It will be a good topic to understand how Taiwan Conference and Exhibition Service industry analyzes the pulse of the market through the application of big data to enhance the value and increase the competitiveness of the industry In order to learn more about the current use of big data in Taiwan Conference and Exhibition service industry and what information Taiwan Conference and Exhibition industry needs for Big Data, by means of expert interviews, this study invites five top-level executives serving in Taiwan Conference and Exhibition Service industry to share the current status of big data usage in the industry and collect the information to find out how Big Data providers respond and provide a better service or product based on the need for Taiwan Conference and Exhibition industry. This study found that at present, although Taiwan conference and exhibition service providers all have heard about Big Data, they cannot really use it well and wisely yet even though they has put an effort on collecting the information as possible as they can. The information gathered is limit and it is difficult to analyze the information by themselves. The main reason is not only the lack of manpower but also the capital. Therefore, if any Big Data providers can provide a total solution based on the need of Taiwan Conference and Exhibition industry at a reasonable price, all Taiwan Conference and Exhibition providers are willing to purchase it as it can help them to reduce the cost of advertisement and increase the revenues. It is also a great “Blue Ocean Market” for Big Data providers.


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