  • 學位論文


A Study of The Relationship between Management Achievements of Machine Tool Industry Technology Transfer.—Taiwan Technology Transfer

指導教授 : 陳定國


本論文的目的在於確定工具機產業在技術移轉輸入後,透過計劃、指揮、用人、組織、控制等五功能運作,最後展現在銷售、產品、研發、人資、財務等五部門之經營績效滿意度來評估技術移轉所能發揮之效益成本。同時,更進一步研究了解其過程中所包含的一些特性,包括: 一、 瞭解工具機產業技術來源。 二、 工具機產業移轉模式之探討。 三、 經由技術移轉輸入後,與經營績效(財務面與非財務面)的關聯性。 研究論述過程中,發現工具機產業是一個技術含量非常高的產業,是一個發展中區域不可欠缺的基本元素產業,所以素來有『工業航空母艦』之尊稱。一項技術要由無中生有是需要曠日廢時的,從原有的基礎上創新是有事半工倍的神妙之力,所以技術移轉就成為工具機產業最常使用的一種方式了。 本研究透過與業者深度訪談結論如下,各種技術移轉方式不管是連同資金注入、連同技術人員一起移轉、連同機械全部圖紙一起移轉或是連同樣機一起移轉這些方式,受訪者都有經驗,但對於技術移轉後展現出來的經營績效的表現並不是那麼如預期所願。 再根據本研究的問卷調查結果作出下列結論: 一、 工具機產業在接受技術移轉的同時也會當做一個新聞事件來炒作增加公司的知名度,以併購技術公司的模式於銷售的經營績效是最有利的。 二、 工具機產業的產品不求新求精求穩定度高,對於技術移轉後生產出更佳商品是非常正面的,以研發聯盟的模式所造成的經營績效是好的 三、 工具業機產業的技術移轉以樣機與圖紙一同轉入的購買技術方式對於研發是最直接,此部份的經營績效非常滿意 四、 工具業機產業雖然有聘用技術顧問與連同技術人員一起轉入的模式,但是嚴重的企業文化並不會因為這幾個人的加入而產生大的創新精神。在人員的流動率普遍偏低的狀況下,此產業之人資問題是績效滿意度最低的 五、 工具業機產業雖然有資金注入的合資研發模式,但因為產業特性所需之資本額都非常大,回轉資金也相對高,財務的槓桿是非常敏銳的。對於技術移轉所產生的財務滿意度遠不如降低生產成本來的績效反應快。


The purpose of this study is to confirm that after transfer and implement of machine tool industry technology through the five functional operations “Pre-plan, Management, Hiring, Organizing, and Control” and with five management process of “Sales, Product, Research and Development, Personnel, and Finance” can bring an optimal operational cost and satisfaction. At the same time, further research a special characteristic signs of the followings: 1.Understand the source of machine tool industry technology. 2.Discussion on the pattern of machine tool technology transfer. 3.The relationship with the (financial and non-financial) operation performance after the import of the external technology. During the development of the research, it is found that the machine tool industry is an industry with a very high degree of technological orientation, thus it is always named as “the aircraft carrier of industries”. For a technology to be initiated from nothing, it is required to spend a lot of time; however, for a technology to be innovated from the original basis, it will yield twice the result with half the effort, thus the technology transfer becomes the most adopted model for the machine tool industry. Through interviews with the industries in depth, the conclusions of this research are as follows; for various technology transfer models such as the transfer with capital, transfer with technical teams, transfer with the blueprints of the machines, or transfer with a prototype machine, the interviewers are experienced, however, their satisfaction with the operational performance after the import of the external technology is not as good as expected. The following conclusion is based on survey research analysis : 1.The import of new machine tool technology for a company will usually generate news which would create hypes. Also, by incorporating the high tech company’s sales and management model would generally be most effective process. 2.Machine tool technology does not require to bee latest, but it does require high compatibility and accuracy. Regarding to the old conception on how new technology should yield a better product would be false. Base on research and development alliance’s model, this would yield a positive result. 3.The best way to import machine tool technology will be to import prototype machine and blue prints. This procedure will also help the research and development later on, and this section will be most satisfactory. 4.Even know the import of machine tool technology will bring in specialized personnel, this will not increase ideal innovation, which in terms at a low personnel circulation rate, this sector will generate less desirable results. 5.Even know machine tool industry have high investment fund and co-operative research and development model, the operational cost will also be enormous however, the investment return is also very high. This requires high dexterity of financial leveraging. Regarding to the financial return of new technology implementation, generally the return reaction time would be slower than cutting the production cost.


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十七、李素華 2001 由美國科技立法研析科學技術基本法第六條及其子法之技術移轉機制 科技法律透析 頁18-43
三十三、 黃瓊慧、侯玉澤 2000 台灣地區信用合作社經營績效評估之研究 當代會計 第一卷第一期 民89.11
五十五、 蔡淑華 2000 日本新技術移轉促進措施之展開—大學及研究機構技術移轉促進法簡介 科技法律透析 頁51以下
七十一、 National Technology Transfer Center http://www.nttc.edu/


