  • 學位論文


Simultaneous determination of L-DOPA, dopamine and DOPAC with electrochemical based micro total analysis system, µ-TAS

指導教授 : 林孟山


相較於過去以電漿處理、動態塗佈、共價鍵修飾和化學氣相沈積法等修飾微全偵測系統的方法,本研究中發展新型具有快速、可靠又穩定的方法去修飾微全偵測系統以提升純聚二甲基矽氧烷的電滲透流強度。實驗過程中用微全偵測系統去偵測最重要之一的神經傳導物質-多比胺和它的代謝物-多巴克和最常使用在治療巴金森氏症的藥物-左旋多巴。修飾的方法是將鄰苯二甲酸氫鉀和聚二甲基矽氧烷混合、硬化成型即可。對於未修飾過的純聚二甲基矽氧烷微流道而言,在分離三種分析物的解析度只有0.57,但在初步探討中修飾0.10% (w/w)鄰苯二甲酸氫鉀的微流道分離分析物時解析度提升為1.01。在最佳化的條件下做20次連續偵測,訊號的相對標準偏差分別為1.65%、2.10% 和 2.82%。


In contrast to the prior schemes of plasma treatment, dynamic coating, covalent bonding, and chemical vapor deposition (CVD), in preparation of micro total analysis system (μ-TAS), a prompt, reliable, and permanent scheme to enhance the electroosmotic flow of native PDMS was described. The results indicate the relative standard deviations for dopamine, levodopa, and DOPAC are 1.65%, 2.10%, and 2.82%, respectively. Here, we intend to develop a new μ-TAS to determine one of the most important neurotransmitters, dopamine, and its metabolite, DOPAC, and the most frequently used therapeutic medication, levodopa. The modification of electroosmotic flow (EOF) was simply mixing together with 12 milligrams of potassium biphthalate (KHP) and 10 grams of PDMS. In contrast to the native PDMS with resolution (RS) of 0.57, the 0.10%(w/w) KHP modified PDMS microchannel was used to separate dopamine, levodopa, and DOPAC, with improved resolution of 1.01 between dopamine and levodopa. In the mean time, the EOF was also studied by the retention time of neutral molecule, catechol, and the contact angle studies.


microchip PDMS electrochemical detection amperometry


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