  • 學位論文


Research on Ku Tungkao’s Writings about the Book of Songs

指導教授 : 蔣秋華 黃復山


漢、宋《詩經》學之爭,由來已久。無論是尊崇毛、鄭之說,主《詩序》之說;抑或尊崇朱《傳》,主張廢《詩序》之說,都各有立說。顧棟高憂之,遂徧覽諸家之說,作《毛詩訂詁》與《毛詩類釋》二書,酌其同異,正其是非。於清初《詩經》學有承先啟後的影響。本篇就顧棟高研究《詩經》的重點作分析,探討其《詩經》學特色,以及其價值與影響。 全篇分為六章,首章緒論,說明研究動機、本論文研究方法,以及近人研究成果之評述。次章探討清初《詩經》學發展與考據學風的形成,帶起清代《詩經》學多元的面貌。而《詩經》考據學中影響最大、成績最為顯著者乃為其訓詁名物方面,本章亦探討《詩經》名物學於清初的重要性,對清代學術影響深廣。三章敘顧棟高之生平、治學過程、著作,以及其師承與交遊,以瞭解其人與學問。次節敘述《毛詩訂詁》與《毛詩類釋》之成書經過、版本與體例,說明顧棟高撰著動機。藉由分析全書,以彰其撰述之法。四章言顧棟高釋《詩》之法,採錄眾說、考證是非、闡明《詩》旨,於《毛詩訂詁》中探求顧棟高《詩》學觀點。五章探討顧棟高《毛詩類釋》之名物研究,引用各家說法,以求《詩》意,考證嚴謹,發前人所未發。六章為結論,究顧棟高之研究成果,以及其學說於《詩經》學術上之成就、貢獻。


清代 顧棟高 詩經 毛詩訂詁 毛詩類釋


There was a long debate on the question of the study of the Book of Songs. In that debate, there were two main theses. One of them was to revere the study in the Han Dynasty and to follow the point of Mao Heng and Cheng Hsuan then affirming the value of the foreword of the Book of Songs; other one was to revere the study in Sung Dynasty and to follow the point of Chu Hsi then refute the value of the foreword of the Book of Songs. Ku Tungkao was deeply worried about this situation. He comprehend all the theses then write Mao shih ting ku and Mao shih lei shih to the use of correcting the misunderstanding and inducting. These two books plated a carrying on and inspiring role in the study of Book of songs in the early Ching Dynasty. This paper was focused on the analysis of Ku’s study of the Book of Songs to investigate its characteristics, value and influence. There are six chapters in this paper. The first chapter is the introduction to expound the intention to research, the method of research and the commentary on the resent research. The second chapter is the investigation into two points. One is the growing of the study of the Book of songs; other one is the formation of the fashion of textual study. The study of the Book of songs was diversified by these two points. Then, the most important influence of the textual research of the Book of songs was caused by its scholium. This chapter is also the investigation into the importance of the study of things and systems in the early Ching Dynasty for it caused a deep influence of the academic approach in Ching Dynasty. The third chapter is about Ku’s brief biographical sketch, study, literary works, friends and teachers so that we can know more about him and his academic research. In this chapter, the second paragraph is about these two books, Mao shih ting ku and Mao shih lei shih. Through the versions and general form of these two books, I describe Ku’s intension to write; through the analysis of these two books, I understood Ku’s writing method. The forth chapter is about Ku’s explanation method to the Book of songs. It’s about how he quoted many words of others, checked everywhere to find the main point of the Book of songs. In this chapter, I investigated Ku’s point of view about the study of Book of songs in Mao shih ting ku. The fifth chapter is the investigation of Ku’s stubby of things and systems in Mao shih lei shih. He quoted many people’s words to find the true meaning of the Book of songs. His investigation was well-knit and with original discovery. The last chapter is the conclusion. This chapter is about Ku’s research result, academic achievement in the study of the Book of songs and contribution.


