本論文主要針對日本外國人指紋按捺制度與其問題進行研究,並從中了解到日本外國人登錄制度下指紋按捺制度之沿革及必要性,而最重要的目的在於研究日本外國人指紋按捺制度之違憲性。同時,指紋具有「萬人不同,終身不變」的特徵,並且是識別個人身分的重要且有效的資訊之一,透過指紋之索引性將可能造成個人隱私權受到侵害,並因而造成違反憲法的可能。 自一九八〇年代起,在日外國人對於外國人登錄制度中的指紋按捺制度產生相當大的反彈,並認為指紋按捺制度乃是侵犯人權、種族歧視且違反日本憲法第十三條及第十四條及國際人權公約第七條、第二十六條的不當制度,因而舉行了大規模的拒絕指紋按捺之示威遊行、聯合簽名運動,同時實際拒絕按捺指紋的人士也不在少數。指紋是辨識同一人最有效的手段,因此日本政府起先並無意放棄指紋按捺制度,但因在日外國人於按捺指紋時會將手指弄髒而造成不愉快感,以及每更換一次外國人登錄證就必須重新按捺一次指紋等等原因,日本政府將指紋按捺制度進行多次修正。而後,因人權意識高漲等等因素,日本政府於是修正外國人登錄法,並將外國人指紋按捺制度於二〇〇年四月正式廢除。 本論文透過數個判例之分析,從中了解日本各級法院對拒絕指紋按捺訴訟所持之立場,並了解當事人之主張,進而指紋按捺制度之於日本憲法之違憲性。並藉由判例中了解指紋是一種個人資訊,且受到憲法所保障。個人不但具有指紋不被恣意採取的隱私權利,同時具有指紋之自我資訊控制權。 而在台灣方面,因全球化之關係,來台居留之外國人數日漸趨增,其相關外國人管理法規雖已修正,但在實際執行面上卻是一本兩式;其僅針對藍領外國人(外勞)採取十指指紋卡之管理方式,未來將可能造成種族歧視之爭議與批評,有關當局應加以關心。
This assignment aims at Japan’s new pressing fingerprint system for foreigners and specialize the history and necessity of this system. The main purpose of this paper is about that if the system has contravened with constitution. Meanwhile, fingerprint is a special lineament for human being and it is also important information of identification. This system might be constitutes an aggression upon private right and very possibility to contravene constitution. Foreigners in Japan are unhappy with the pressing fingerprint system. Since 1980, these foreigners have hold many demonstrations for opposing this system arguing that the action has contravened article 13 , 14 of Japanese constitutions and article 7, 26 of international human rights convention . At first, Japanese government has no intention to give up this system because it is the most efficacious implement for identification. However, Japanese authority has corrected this system many times because of stranger’s displeasing and paraphernalia. The Japanese government eventually abolished this controvertible system in 2004 for progressive consciousness of human rights. This assignment analyses the language about pressing fingerprint system through some precedents adjudicated by Japanese court. Fingerprint is about personal information, and protected by constitution. It should not be arbitrary pressed under any circumstance. Foreign people in Taiwan are on the increase because of globalization. Taiwan’s government also established similar rules to manage these foreigners but just conditioned with blue-collar. Our authority should pay much more attention on this issue because it might be causing arguments or criticisms of racism.