  • 學位論文


A study of the developing strategies of White-Box NB by realizing the development of White-Box mobile phone and Innovation theory.

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


全球電子產業關鍵技術長期被少數已開發國家大廠所掌握,造成知名品牌資訊應用產品在價格與功能上皆無法滿足新興開發中國家需求,這些國家地區有著廣大的消費市場,但卻被主流市場所忽視的情況下,在地廠商將發展出屬於自己的商品以符合當地消費者的需求,近幾年山寨手機的成功發展即說明了此一狀況•然而隨著山寨手機的成功發展模式,山寨現象已逐步擴展到其他3C產品,廠商欲將山寨手機的發展模式複製到筆電之上,期能開創另一個破壞性創新商機。 本研究目的在探尋山寨手機產業的創新模式及競爭策略,並探討山寨筆電依照此成功發展模式運作時所面臨的挑戰,同時思考突破瓶頸的策略,以此提出結論與建議供業界參考。 本文研究結果: 一、當少數國外大廠壟斷了知識與技術的運用,相信本土產業勢將 掀起對抗的潮流,山寨文化的興起即是最佳的寫照。 二、山寨是產業發展過程中的過度現象,若廠商在產業鏈的扶持和引導下,勢將從山寨模仿轉型到創新,最終進階到擁有自主品牌的產品。 三、山寨手機已在市場上開創了一種破壞性創新的經營模式。 四、山寨筆電廠商未能複製山寨手機成功的發展模式,原因在於手機與筆電的屬性不同以及Wintel沒有改變現有筆電產業鏈的動力,廠商宜從成本、市場、品質、技術等層面調整方向擬訂策略。


發展模式 競爭策略 創新 產業鏈


The key technologies of the global electronics industry have long been monopolized by a few large manufacturers in developed countries; for this reason, IT products falling under major brands have been unable to meet the needs of new rising economies in terms of both price and function. Vast markets exist in these countries and regions;however, have been ignored by the mainstream markets, forcing local manufacturers to develop their own products in order to cater to the needs of local consumers. The successful development of White-Box mobile phones has proved this point. With the success of White-Box mobile phones, the imitation phenomenon has gradually spread to other 3C products, and manufacturers are eager to apply the developmental mode to NB, hoping to create more new business opportunities through disruptive innovation. This study has probed into the competitive strategy and innovation displayed by the White-Box mobile phone industry, and discussed the challenges that the White-Box NB industry is facing with its development based on this developmental model, along with strategies that may help to overcome the bottleneck, in order to provide a reference for the industry. This study found that: 1.While the few large foreign manufacturers have monopolized the application of know-how and technology, it is believed that the local industry will certainly resist, and the rising of the imitation culture is a perfect reflection of this reaction; 2.Shanzhai is just a transitional phenomenon during the industrial development . If manufacturers are given support and guidance in the industrial chain, they will be able to switch from imitation to innovation, and finally establish their own brands. 3.The White-Box mobile phone phenomenon has launched a disruptive innovation business mode into the market. 4.The manufacturers of white-Box NB have failed to copy the successful developmental model of White-Box mobile phones, because mobile phone and NB differ in regard to product attributes, while Wintel lacks the power to change the present industrial chain for NB. It would be preferable for the manufacturers to adjust their strategies according to cost, market demand, quality and technology.


12.顧淑馨譯,C. K. Prahalad (2005),金字塔底層大商機,培生教育出版集團。
1.Chris Anderson.(2006), The Long Tail:Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More, Commonwealth Publishing Co.,Ltd.
