  • 學位論文


The Benefits and Influences of the Opening Policy for Mainland China Tourists to Taiwan

指導教授 : 潘錫堂 郭展禮


近年來,在全球化的風潮下,大力提升旅遊觀光業產值已是先進國家產業發展的重要方向之一,更是促進經濟成長的主要因素;我國當然也不例外。回顧臺灣的觀光事業發展,這七年來伴隨陸客來臺觀光的開放,呈現突飛猛進、蓬勃發展的局面。 繼2008年7月陸客「首發團」來臺、陸客自由行正式上路並已全面啟動後,著實再創造臺灣觀光產業的新榮景。根據立法院預算中心報告,陸客來臺人數從2008年的3萬多人,到2014年來臺觀光(旅行團加自由行)已達398萬7,152人次。若依來臺旅客消費及動向調查結果估算,並參考2008年至2014年大陸觀光團體旅客人數、在臺每人每日消費金額、平均停留夜數,及當年匯率乘計估算每年加總,來臺觀光團體陸客帶來新臺幣4,432億(147.2億美元)的外匯收入。並且有效帶動全臺灣各地旅遊相關產業的繁榮,同時也帶動臺灣整體經濟的復甦,成效可謂相當顯著。 兩岸居民往來是不可逆的形勢,開放中國大陸居民來臺觀光對臺灣甚至對兩岸的意義,絕不僅是商機而已,更重要的是,它開創了兩岸人民直接對話交流的機會,有利於增進彼此的相互瞭解。由於臺灣與大陸有歷史與人文的關聯,本文從中國大陸居民出境觀光的各項統計資料為基礎,面對兩岸快速政治、經濟情勢的微妙競合關係,探究兩岸相關法令的變化及政府開放陸客來臺觀光上,具有哪些政策?相關政策中,具有哪些規定?實施後效果如何?如何控管陸客自由行對國家安全負面影響?對於我國經濟、政治及社會產生何種正負面向的相互認同與影響?期許為臺灣的觀光發展與兩岸關係未來發展做一個探索之角色。 最後將陸客來臺觀光的走向評估、建議及未來自由行的影響,提出個人研究結論,作為本論文之總結。


In recent years, as the trend of globalization rises, enhancing tourism economic outputs has been one of the most important factors of national industry development, further promoting economic growth. Reviewing last seven years, with the opening policy for Mainland China Tourists to Taiwan, tourism industry in Taiwan has been progressing by leaps and bounds. Since July, 2008 the first group of Chinese tourist landing and individual tourism overall made to open, the policy indeed recreated the whole new prosperity for Taiwanese tourism industry. According to budget center of Yuan of Legislative, the amount of Chinese tourist had increased from about thirty thousand people to 3,987,152 people in 2008 (including group tour and individual travel). Estimating by consuming and intention investigation, with data such as the number of tourists from mainland China from year of 2008 to 2014, average spending of mainland Chinese tourist every day, average travel duration and exchange rate of certain year, it counts that mainland Chinese tourists had brought 443.2 billion NTD (14.72 billion USD) foreign currency exchange for Taiwan. The policy also brought prosperity for tourism and related industries around Taiwan, effectively recover the overall industry. The trend of contacts and communication of people across the strait is unstoppable. Opening policy for mainland Chinese tourists is not only increasing economic benefits, but also open up an opportunity for both Taiwanese and mainland Chinese communicate directly for the sake of knowing each other more. As Taiwan and China are connected with strong historical and cultural bonds, based on several solid statistic data of outbound mainland Chinese tourism, the thesis would like to focus on the policy making procedure of both Chinese and Taiwanese government. What kind of policies did two governments develop? How did they effect? How to regulate the negative aspects in national security area of mainland Chinese tourism? How will mainland Chinese tourism effect economy, politics and social negatively or positively? The thesis would like to be a pathfinder for tourism industry in Taiwan, and furthermore, for future Cross-Strait relationship. Lastly, the analysis, suggestion, and influence of future mainland Chinese tourism will be the main focus in the final part as the conclusion of research.


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