  • 學位論文


The comparison between Slavic and Chinese old mythology

指導教授 : 盧國屏


我很喜歡神話故事,也閱讀很多國家的神話,因此我發現每個國家的神話有些相似之處,當然也有不同之處,發現它會深深影響一個國家的文化,也發現一個國家的經歷和哲學思想會影響其神話故事。 斯拉夫文化在地理上和中國很遙遠,但在的神話在歷史上有相似之處,都是以破碎的形式流傳,都經過其他宗教或統治者有目的的改變,此外現代兩邊的神話研究都在重建最原始的樣貌,因此若去掉歷史改變的因素,去比較兩個神話最原始的樣貌會是一個有趣的事,因此本篇論文針對神話中,創世、死亡和自然的部分做比較。 在創世的神話中,斯拉夫神話中的創世神創造世界後,又創造了其他的神陪祂,成為眾神之父,而中國的盤古創造世界後就死去,並且把身體變成大自然。在兩邊神話中,人都是從黏土中創造出來的。不過在斯拉夫的神話中,造人的還是男神,而在中國神話裡,造人的是女神,這可能是因為中國古代有母性社會的歷史在。 在死亡神話中,兩邊都相信人有靈魂。相同的是斯拉夫人和中國人一開始沒有把冥界分成天堂和地獄,是基督徒或道教佛教的發展,把這部分深化了。對於非自然死亡,兩著文化的觀念有不同,在中國文化中,不管自然或非自然死亡,沒有任何壞的或好的影響力,它只是中性。但是在斯拉夫人認為,那些沒有正確死亡的人的靈魂會發生壞事;因此對於重生也有很大的差異,在中國文化中,靈魂可以回到地球,成為另一個生命,不能稱之為好或壞,只是生命週期永遠不會結束。斯拉夫人認為,死者的重生只能以非常邪惡的形式返回。 在自然神話方面,由於在早期,人們的生活可能依賴於自然。因此兩邊自然神話的故事都是非常豐富的。雷的力量在兩邊都是很重要的,不同的是,斯拉夫自然神話許多是關於惡魔的,而中國的自然神話幾乎都是在神明。 雖然每一個文明的文化和歷史都是不同的,但在文明,宗教和信仰的早期階段,仍然會發現很多相似之處,正如我們可以看到,我們的祖先都在尋找相同問題的答案,在某些情況下,他們發現或創造的答案非常相似。


While reading mythologies of other countries, which I very like, I found that there are some similarities in the myths of each countries as well as differences. I found that they will deeply affect the culture of a countries and also their history and philosophy will affect their mythology. Slavic countries are geographically far away from China, but mythology has similar history. Both of them are not complete and other religion or ruler changed the myths. Both sides are trying to reconstruct the original mythology. In this research I compared some parts of Chinese and Slavic mythology which are world creation, death and nature. When it comes to the creation myth, in both cases there was a male who created the world. However Chinese god, Pangu died turning his body into the nature, but Slavic god, Świętowid created other gods who controlled the world with him. In both mythologies people were created from the clay. In Slavic mythology there were two males who created people, but in Chinese mythology there was a woman who did that. Possibly it's because in early stage of Chinese civilization there was matriarchy. In both death mythologies we can find that people believed in existence of soul, and also in the early time they didn’t really separate heaven from hell. They started to have the reward and punishment system after other religion influenced the culture. The concept of unnatural death is a bit different, in Chinese mythology it will not really influence the soul, but in Slavic mythology, something bad will happen to the soul. Also if the soul will return to the living world again, in Slavic mythology it will come back in a form of demon, but in Chinese the soul will just reincarnate in the never ending cycle. In the early stage of civilization, people’s lives depended a lot on nature, so in both nature mythologies we can find the myths that are talking about it. We can see that in both cases the thunder power was very important. The difference is that in Slavic nature mythology, many creatures are demons, but in Chinese mythology most of them are gods.


Andrzej Kempiński, Encyklopedia mitologii ludów indoeuropejskich (Warszawa: Iskry, 2001)
Andrzej Szyjewski, Religia Słowian (Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM, 2003)
Katarzyna Berenika Miszczuk, Szeptucha (Warszawa: WAB, 2016)
Karol Potkański, Pisma pośmiertne (Poznań: PTPN, 2004)
Charles H Long, Alpha: The Myths of Creation (New York: George Braziller, 1963)
