  • 學位論文


The Study of Data Mining Approach Implements on Online Community Management and Recommendation System

指導教授 : 廖述賢


近幾年因網路社群的興起,業者與消費者所接觸到的管道,已不單單侷限在實體商店、電視媒體、雜誌報紙,社群網站已逐漸成為廣告投放的新媒體平台。許多企業品牌也開始將網路社群當作接觸消費者的第一管道,因此不論是品牌管理、粉絲經營,甚至到商品行銷與增加曝光率,都將以網路社群作為主要窗口。 本研究採用問卷調查的方式,透過資料探勘的集群分析與關聯法則之方法,歸納出使用者的輪廓,並探討不同族群的使用者行為與社群經營、網路購物行為與服務推薦之關聯,從中挖掘使用者的潛在需求,提供粉絲專頁經營業者與社群平台業者參考。


In recent years, the emergence of social community has led to multiple community channels for businesses and consumers, which are different from traditional channels such as physical stores, TV commercials, magazines and newspapers, etc. Social community has gradually become a new media platform for advertisers. Now social community is the first option for businesses and brands to reach customers. Brand management, relationships with fans, even brand marketing and to increase exposure are all going to be mainly managed by social communities. This study retrieves data by using survey. Clustering and association analysis of data mining are applied to outline users, and multiple dimensional relationships are discussed, including the relationship of user behaviors and social community management, and online shopping behavior and recommendation system. From the results, this study uncovers potential needs of users as informative tips and tricks to run social media fan page and also gives social platform owners directions to fulfill demand from users.


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