  • 學位論文


A Study on Teaching and Learning of Information Literacy Integrating into University Professional Course

指導教授 : 林素甘


本研究旨在瞭解將專業知識融入大學資訊素養課程時,資訊素養的培養與學習呈現的面向。 本研究使用觀察法與訪談法,針對淡江大學蘭陽校園全球發展學院英美語言文化學系全英語學士班108學年度第1學期大一選修課「文化分析導論」之授課教師1位及學生18位進行研究,教師為女性1人,學生有男性3人、女性15人。 由研究結果得知,課程融入資訊素養的目標與學習意義在於體認學術研究的意義、基本知識探索為基礎、分析資料、團隊合作、獨立思考為重點、學習蒐集和正確引用學術文獻。教師教學上,以學生報告為主,透過分組活動引導學生在習得文化研究相關理論後,以各小組各自有興趣的主題,練習撰寫學術報告。在教學上,教師相當重視學生逐步學習的過程,故以面對面溝通為師生討論問題的主要方式。學生學習上,在訂定研究主題時,普遍都能掌握得宜,但在撰寫引文段落與大綱上則感到困難。此外,資料庫的使用與APA學術寫作格式是學生學習上,普遍出現問題之處。經過課程的學習後,所有同學均表示資訊素養與文化解讀能力相較於上課前有所提升,並有部分同學表示該課程引發其深入探究之興趣。 本研究據此建議,在教師教學上,需重視與學生的面對面互動,另外,在學生學習過程中,圖書館員的角色能幫助學生學習。在未來相關研究上,則可進一步探究如何加強英文課程學習成效及針對學生如何應用所學進行深入追蹤。


The purpose of this research is to understand the teaching and learning of information literacy integrating into university professional course. This study uses observation and interview method to study the teaching and learning of “Introduction to Cultural Analysis”, a selective freshmen course offered by Department of English Language and Culture (English-Taught Program), College of Global Development, Tamkang University Lanyang Campus. In this course, there are 19 people, including 1 female instructor, 3 male students, and 15 female students. The result shows that the objective of this course is to teach freshmen students the meaning of academic research; learning basic knowledge as the basis of doing research; data analysis, group cooperation, independent thinking as the core competencies, gather literature in a proper way, and cite literature correctly under APA format. During the process of teaching, the instructor arranges student presentation first, and in-class activities after. There is also a final report which students as a group need to find one cultural study theory they are interested in as the topic and write a formal research paper. Every week in class, when students are discussing and finishing in-class activities as a group, the instructor will walk around to check the understanding of the students. After the class, when students encounter difficulties, the instructor will also invite students to her research office to discuss face-to-face in order to understand and solve the problem completely. For the students, all of them know how to come up with a topic, but for writing outline and annotated bibliography, some of them think that it is difficult to finish this step. When it comes to using database and APA format, most groups feel difficult since they don’t have similar experience before. Although there are difficulties happened during the process of learning, most groups of student agree that their abilities of information literacy and culture understanding rise after the learning of the course. Some students also say that they want to study harder and apply the knowledge they learned to other courses. Based on the research result, this research suggests that for the instructor, face-to-face interaction during teaching is a very crucial point. As for the students, interaction with librarian is also very important. For future study, this research suggests to focus on how to promote the learning effect of English courses, and focus on how students apply their learning in professional course which integrate information literacy to other courses.


季淳(2010)。美國文理大學的書院教育及其在台灣發展的可能與限制。通識在線,26。檢索自 http://www.chinesege.org.tw/geonline/html/page4/publish_pub.php?Pub_Sn=43&Sn=882
