  • 學位論文


The effects of nozzle height to the performance of atomized-liquid flow field

指導教授 : 李宗翰


近年來大面積平板蝕刻加工越來越廣泛,隨著蝕刻工件面積的變大,在過程中亦產生許多問題,例如蝕刻不均勻等等的現象,故將遭遇到的問題減小或消除,是現在大面積平板加工的走向。 本文使用均流霧化噴頭,在蝕刻儀器上方增加一沖擊流場,造成流場變化,利用其向下且擴散之流場,使汰換率增加,克服蝕刻不均勻等現象。 文中首先進行實驗器具的設計、製作與穩定性測試實驗,確定儀器誤差達到設計要求後,進行管外的壓力與水量量測,並且調整噴頭的擺放高度重複實驗,觀察水箱裡的流場變化,測量流場狀況,其實驗結果,可使得液體增加汰換率時,噴流也不會直接撞擊平板,造成不均勻的情況,以方便解決大面積平板蝕刻時所發生的汰換率不足以及流場表面壓力不均的問題,另一方面,本文所確立之方程式,將有助於使用此系統之使用者,直接更換環境或工作流體時,免於重複實驗。實驗後證實,假設之方程式曲線與實驗測量之曲線相符合,方程式可預測表面所受到之下壓壓力以及造成多大程度之下壓,並且得知蝕刻時基板放置位置,在不被流場直接沖擊之高度極限。


蝕刻 水坑效應 平板蝕刻


In recent years, large areas of flat etching process more and more widely, with the etching area become large. There are many problems in the etching process. Such as uneven etching phenomenon…etc. Reducing or eliminating the problem which encounter is the direction of the large area etching process. In this article, increase a flow filed with the atomization nozzle. Changing and using the flow filed which is downward and diffused increase the replacement rate. To solve the phenomenon of uneven etching. First, design, production and stability testing the experimental apparatus. Second, measure the pressure outside the tube and volume of water. Then change the height of the nozzle and repeat the experiment. Observe and measure changes in the flow field inside the tank. The experimental result is increase replacement rate without the jet strike the plate and uneven. On the other hand, the equation we wrote is helpful when change the Environment and the working fluid. After the experiment, the equation curve is approaching the experimental curve. Equation can forecast the pressure and height of the liquid surface. We can know the limit height of the workpiece without jet strike.


West Virginia University: Jony Wiley & Sons
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