  • 學位論文


A Study of Authorization of the Partial Exercise of the Right for Collective Self-defense by the Japan Government

指導教授 : 胡慶山


安倍政府於2014年7月1日的內閣會議,決議更改歷屆內閣對憲法的統一見解,容許日本行使限定的集體自衛權。內閣會議決議後,自由民主黨與公明黨兩黨召開執政聯盟協議會,試圖建構出完整的安全保障法制,而安倍政府亦於2015年3月20日針對安全保障法制化的基本方向作成共同文件。安倍政府亦於5月中旬的內閣會議通過修改相關法案後,正式提交國會送審。安倍政府改變過去不得行使集體自衛權的政府統一見解,使日本的防衛政策產生重大的變革。   然而,面對日本防衛政策的重大變革,同樣身處亞洲第一島鏈的臺灣應當如何因應之?面對國際局勢急遽變化,特別是東北亞局勢之轉變,日本改變以往的「專守防衛」背景為何?將是本研究之重點。


At the cabinet council on 1 July, 2014 , the Abe cabinet approved a reinterpretation of the country’s pacifist postwar constitution that would allow Japan to exercise the right of collective self-defense in a limited manner. On the basis of the resolution , the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito held a negotiation meeting, and on 20 March,2015 made a joint document about security-related legislation. It has scheduled for Abe’s government to pass the related bills at the cabinet council in mid-May, and then submitted to Congress for review. The reinterpretation on the exercise of collective self-defense by Abe’s Cabinet gave rise to the significant change in Japan’s defense policy. However, confronting significant change in Japan’s defense policy, how does Taiwan is taking any policy the same as Japan in first island chain? Furthermore, due to the rapidly changing international situation, especially the situation in Northeast Asia. Finally, the conclusion will focus on one issue:What is process and background of Japan government with changing “exclusive defense”.


2. 張隆義(1996),〈冷戰後日本防衛政策的轉變與亞太安全〉,《問題與研究》第35卷第7期,頁35。
3. 楊永明(2002),〈冷戰時期日本之防衛與安全保障政策 1945~1990〉,《問題與研究》第41卷第5期,頁27。
1. 飯田建一 編,胡台生 譯(1996)《1996~1997東亞戰略概觀》,臺北:國防部軍務局。
2. 張春柏、陸乃聖(1995)《霸權興衰史》,臺北:五南圖書。
