  • 學位論文


The Discussion of China’s Soft Power Development and Challenges from Political Aspect.

指導教授 : 蔡國裕


軟實力其意涵是指國家透過其固有之文化、意識型態與價值觀、政治制度及思想、施政之正當性所塑造之道德權威等來影響他國之議題取向,進而使彼此之目標趨於一致之能力;其手段則可藉由吸引、溝通和說服等方式來博取對方之認同,並達到使對方心悅誠服、甚至自發模仿進而同化之效果。1978年改革開放後中國大陸經濟實力開始大幅成長,然而90年代冷戰結束後國際上興起了中國威脅論之異議,這也迫使中共意識到必須賦予中國崛起之正面意象,並加強對外宣揚中國崛起之「和平」意涵。因此,本篇論文之研究目如下: 1.從政治層面探討中國大陸軟實力的作為。 2.探討近年中共外交發展政策與軟實力的關係。 3.探討中共軟實力發展之具體成效。 4.探討中共軟實力發展面臨的侷限、挑戰及其因應措施。 5.探討我國應如何面對並因應中共近年的軟實力發展。   根據以上之研究的目標,本文採用歷史研究途徑和文獻分析法,並以此深入探討文獻中有關中共的政策以及近年來軟實力相關的議題。中共冷戰後之軟實力運用在時間點上於90年代後其軟實力開始發展與成長,尤其於本世紀初更加大幅躍進。於作用範圍上則對周邊國家有較強之吸引及影響力但對歐美先進國家仍顯不足。而在國際建制上,其已由過去之被動旁觀逐漸轉換成為主導參與,且其軟實力之運用也由高位政治邁向低位政治層面發展,並試圖為其經濟發展創造良好的發展環境以及藉此獲得國家形象之提升。然而,人權問題仍是中共軟實力發展上的致命傷,政府不遵守憲法使得人民起身維護自身權益,這也對其軟實力之發展造成了最直接的傷害。


軟實力 政治 政策 文化 意識型態 外交 國際關係


Soft power is an invisible power of a nation that can shape other countries’ preferences by its culture, ideology, system, political ideas, values, and the legitimacy of government’s policies. When China started its policy of “reform and opening-up”, the economic power grew speedy sequentially. In 1990’s, the end of cold-war era, the” China Threat” has emerged in the international society. Just because of that, it’s imperative for China to improve her positive image by gradually propagandizing the meaning of “China Rise” to the international society. Thus, the “Soft Power” was the very method of china to terminate the” China Threat” in the post-cold war era. This research’s target focuses on the following items : (1) Discuss about the soft power development in political activities of CCP. (2) Discuss the development of Chinese foreign policy and soft power relations in recent years. (3) Discuss concrete results the soft power development of CCP. (4) Discuss the limitations and challenges of the soft power development of CCP. (5) Discuss how to face and response the soft power development of CCP. According to the targets of this research, the thesis uses historical approach and document analysis to research literatures relating to the topic soft power of policy of CCP in recent years. On the dimension of time, the China’s “Soft Power” has gradually developed in 1990’s, moreover, has grown rapidly after 2000 all that due to the maneuvers of “Soft Power” in the post cold-war era. In the other hand, China’s “Soft Power” only presents its attractiveness and influence in surrounding Asian countries. In the field of agenda setting, the participation of international organization and international treaties has move forward to leading rule from observer. The maneuvers of “Soft Power” has also transform to high politics from low politics, in the meantime, that create the benign environment for China’s economic growth. That even gives rise to not only the promotion of China’s positive image that decrease ”the China Threat” but also the creation of the imagery of “peaceful rise”. However, the issue of human rights is still fatal to the CCP's soft power Development. The government does not comply with the Constitution caused people to safeguard their own interests. Its most directly hurt of Soft power and national image of China.


Soft Power Politic Policy Culture Ideology Diplomacy International Relations


1.George Walker Bush. The National Security Strategy of The United States of America. Washington DC: The White House, March 16, 2006.
2.Wang Hongying. Chinese Conception of Soft Power and Its Policy Implications. Paper presented at the International Conference on China in the World Order, University of Nottingham, UK, September 2006.
