  • 學位論文


The Study on the Consumer Buying Behavior of Fresh Food in the Convenient Stores

指導教授 : 陳定國


隨著社會生活型態之變遷,鮮食產品已成為連鎖便利商店業者的發展主軸,本研究將以便利商店的鮮食消費者做為研究對象,探討鮮食消費行為與消費者忠誠來源之關係,研究目的如下: 一、 試著去了解便利商店鮮食消費者的行為及背景資料,以利連鎖便利商店業者可以研發出更適合現代飲食需求的鮮食產品。 二、 透過消費者的鮮食消費行為,探討其忠誠來源,以利連鎖便利商店業者可以進行市場區隔,暨未來發展鮮食行銷策略之參考。 本研究選定基隆市7-ELEVEN、全家、OK、萊爾富、福客多等五家之消費者作為研究母體,以分層比例抽樣法,共發放285 份問卷,回收280份有效問卷。 研究結果發現與建議: 一、鮮食消費者基本資料 鮮食消費者,在性別方面,男女比例相當接近、六成以上未婚;年齡層以16~25 歲的年輕族群居多,教育程度多為大學(專)及高中職,學生族群居多,相對而言在月收入上偏低,約在1-2萬。 二、鮮食消費者消費行為 消費者常購買的鮮食商品以調理類(湯麵、燴飯、涼麵和飯糰、壽司、手捲)為主,其次為便當及熱狗,購買時段多集中在中午時段。因此,可知多數消費者會在用餐時段去購買鮮食商品,因為停留時段不長,只有1~3分鐘,而且屬於短距離行程,騎摩托車或走路便可到達,具有鄰近性的便利商店將成為學生族群的優先選擇。 三、不同背景的消費者對於便利商店的消費行為分析 男性在商品的需求上會比女性高,可能與男性較缺乏烹飪能力有關,此外,不同職業的消費者在便利商店的產品變化度上達顯著差異,學生族群在產品變化度上明顯高於職業人士;同時,不同家庭狀況的消費者對於便利商店的忠誠來源,在其中的三個層面皆達到顯著差異。未婚者對於便利商店的情境滿意度、商品需求度及產品變化度三方面皆顯著高於已婚者。所以未來業者在鮮食產品的開發上,需知未婚的單身族群將會是便利商店能否贏得消費忠誠的關鍵。


便利商店 鮮食 消費者 購買行為


Due to the rapid change in the life style, fresh food is getting to be the main product in the convenient stores. This research focuses on the fresh food consumer buying behavior of convenient store. The purposes are: 1. To study the buying behavior and get the back ground information of the fresh food consumers. 2. To dig out the royalty resource through the fresh food buying behavior of consumers. After conducting the survey on 280 consumers of 7-11, Family Mart, OK, Hi-Life, and Niko Mart in the Keelung City, the findings are shown below: 1. Fresh food consumer background information: There is no big difference in the male and female. Their age is between 16~25 years old, and 60% of them are not married. Most of their education backgrounds are higher than senior high school, and monthly incoming is ranged from 10,000~ 20,000 NT Dollars. 2. The buying behavior of fresh food: The popular fresh food products are noodles in soup, rice and vegetable roll, sushi, lunch box and hot dog. Their purchasing time is lunch time. This explains that most consumers are coming to the convenient store for meals. This also points out the strength of the convenient store: traffic. 3. The various consumer and their buying behaviors in convenient store -the requirement of fresh food in male is a little bit higher than that by female. Showing the lack of cooking capability. The consumer of student group requireing more product categories more than others. The un-married consumers are much easier getting satisfied with the product and service in the convenient store than married ones.


22.曾信超、蔣大成、徐國勝(2001),「消費者對GSP 優良商店期待程度與滿意程度之研究」,中華民國品質學會第三十五屆年會暨第五屆全國品質管理研討會論文集。


