  • 學位論文


The Research on Key Successful Factors of “Super Starlight Avenue” in Marketing Perspective

指導教授 : 黃國隆


本研究希冀針對「超級星光大道」這個創造高收視率的歌唱比賽節目,其製作團隊的創新思維、行銷手法及策略運用,做概略性地探討。本研究之目的為: 一、從策略、環境、資源、營運等領域,探討「超級星光大道」節目之關鍵成功因素。 二、暸解「超級星光大道」節目如何運用行銷宣傳手法,使節目大受歡迎。 三、期望研究結果的關鍵成功因素,能作為國內相關產業在製作類似節目或企業經營時之參考。 本研究係針對Dickson(1982)及Venkatraman 與 Ramenujam(1986)提出之企業成功關鍵因素,採用問卷調查方式,分為「關鍵成功因素」、「成功指標」及「基本資料」三個部份,探討「超級星光大道」節目從策略、環境、資源、營運等領域,如何引起消費者共鳴,進而獲利。 本研究發現:企業在此經濟環境快速變化的衝擊下,要獲取更大的生存機會與獲利空間必須要有更新、更快、更廣、更有效的行銷手法來迎接挑戰,而正確營運模式、整合既有資源、規劃縝密策略、了解所處環境,則是企業的關鍵成功因素。期盼透過本研究結論與建議,供國內相關產業之運用與參考,以跳脫經營的紅海,發展出自我的藍海策略,以追求企業永續經營的目標。


The research is to study how “Super Starlight Avenue” can create such high audience rating, and what are the producer and his team's innovation, marketing operation and strategic plan. The objective of this study is : 1. From different domains, including strategy, environment, resource, operation, etc, to study the key successful factors of the singing with contest show –“Super Starlight Avenue”. 2. To study how the producer of “Super Starlight Avenue” operated the advertisement to make the program become so popular. 3. Through the study of the key successful factors in this case, it is expected to provide the reference to the relevant industry in domestic when producing similar programs or business operation. The evaluation is based on the Key Successful Factors of the enterprises propounded by Dickson in 1982, and Venkatraman and Ramenujam in 1986 to design the questionnaires, which covered 3 phases: “key successful factors”, “successful index”, and “basic information of the selected samples, from strategy, environment, resource, operation, etc., different domains of stand points to study .how the show of “Super Starlight Avenue” can raise the echo of the consumers, and in the meantime to gain the benefit. The result presented:Under the impact of the quick change in the economic environment, to gain the chance of survival and benefit, the enterprise must have more innovative, faster, more widespread and more efficient in marketing strategy to meet the challenge. Current operation model, consolidation of the existing resource, Plans of the meticulous strategy, and understand the environment of the field are the key successful factors to the company. Through the results and suggestion of the study, it is expected the domestic companies in the relevant industry can rid of Red Ocean business strategy, and develop their own Blue Ocean Strategy, to continue managing the company forever and ever.


