  • 學位論文


Development and management issues of Private enterprise in Mainland China

指導教授 : 李志強
共同指導教授 : 傅豐誠(Feng-Cheng Fu)


中國經過改革開放以來持續三十年的發展下,私營經濟成為推動經濟成長、增加物質社會財富、活絡各地方市場、促進就業、維護社會穩定的重要力量。截至2006年底,中國私營企業已達498.1萬戶。個體私營經濟創造的GDP已占中國大陸經濟總量40%左右。本論文首先瞭解私營企業發展的歷程與背景,從1978年改革之初到今日的發展歷程並於此基礎瞭解現今私營企業在治理模式、財務、勞動力和技術創新的現況。 第二部份將討論在外部激烈的市場競爭環境和企業規模擴大下,所衍生出的產權、金融問題,最後並就其問題從政府政策面,分析政府如何從市場供給面、需求面和環境面改善私營企業經營問題。 而在過剩經濟的來臨使得中國國內市場競爭激烈,生產能力的充裕和市場需求的不足,使市場的空間越來越狹小,私營企業的經營戰略在全球化的浪潮中,配合中國政策環境改善下正逐步著眼國外市場,以2006年民營企業進出口商十萬多家裡,其中私營企業即佔了9.5萬家可見一斑。最後本論文將討論私營企業在因應過剩經濟的來臨,如何去布局國際市場以規劃企業總體戰略,並對私營企業的未來性發展作為研究。


In the light of constant development of economic reform practiced over the past 30 years in China, the private-owned business sectors (hereunder: private sectors) have been playing a crucial role in developing the economic growth, expanding the materials of the social welfare, boosting the regional markets, promoting the opportunities of careers, and maintaining the stability of society. Up to the end of year 2006, the private sectors have reached 4 millions and 981 thousands units. The 40% of Chinese GDP is contributed by the private sectors. We initiate this study from the background of the development of private sectors based on the up-to-dated development of economic reforms since 1978. Based on the context, we conduct an insightful view on the operation of corporate governance, finance, labor force and innovation of know-how of the private sector in the current situation. The second portion we conduct the issues of the proprietorship and banking generated by the impact of the external competitions in the market and the augmentation of private sector’s scale.Furthermore, we analyze the countermeasures given for reforming the operations of private sectors in the dimensions of public policies, the supply- demand of market and the environments. With the coming of economic surplus intensifying the competition in the Chinese local market, the sufficiency of production capability and insufficiency of market demand, the capacity of the market has been shrinking under such a circumstance. Therefore, the private sector has aimed at exploring the offshore market with the facilitation of the public reforming policies in line with the business strategies set in the global trends. Judging from the numbers of more than 100 thousands of trading sectors in 2006, the private sectors has amounted the shares of 95 thousands.Eventually, we conduct this study that the general strategies set forth by the private sectors deployed in the international market for the sake of the local economic surplus and the development in the future.


9. 周立群,「中國私營企業發展的若干新特點」,經濟前瞻,2002年9月5日。
18. 黃智聰,「大陸個體私營經濟的發展現況」,經濟前瞻,1993年10月10日,第32號。
2. International Finance Corporation, 2000.China’s Emerging Private Enterprises: Prospects for the New Century, Washington, DC, 79 pp.
