  • 學位論文


The Wonderful in the Real: Clamor of Being in Elfriede Jelinek’s Wonderful Wonderful Times

指導教授 : 黃涵榆


「慾望」引人遐想,亦易造成異常的心思與偏執的暴力行為。奧地利女作家艾芙烈•葉利尼克的作品中,慾望、幻想、暴力及病態元素的運用相當頻繁與複雜。本論文旨在試著以精神分析的角度闡述葉利尼克的小說《美妙時光》中,對於四位青少年的暴力行為鉅細靡遺的揭露,精確地呈現心中慾望與瘋狂行為的交錯關係。此交錯關係的主要用意在於分析文中四位主角自我的偏頗觀念,並且刻畫其慾望攫取背後的真實元素。 本論文共分為三章,首章以紀傑克的「真實層」概念為出發點,分析小說中四位主角雷納、安娜、蘇菲及漢斯的幻想思緒。在現實與真實性的絕對二元地帶內,幻想變成唯一拯救虛耗現實生命的方法,更是打破傳統陳腐的框架,重新建立獨立自我的價值觀。再者,藉由拉岡「超我」理論,激發主角踰越主體性的存在知覺,透過偏差的行為與話語揭露主角內心的真實面貌。 第二章探討雷納與安娜自我呢喃的行為舉止,藉由佛洛伊德與拉岡的「自戀」論述,進而說明主角自戀性格的精神架構。而自戀性格轉變成疏離感與自殺傾向,此二種特殊的心理元素促使主角違背了該性情與殘酷現實的共存性,有助於主角脫離現實的枷鎖,而自戀與欲望的加乘卻是自我毀滅的開端。 第三章進一步延伸前兩章對於「慾望」的整體論述,解釋主角難以抗拒主體架構的扭曲與自我意識的消弱。而此精神的衝擊誘使主角追求極度「快感」,也反應出主角內心隱含的矛盾情緒,迫使主角自身最終跨越現實與死亡的界線,以達到昇華的享樂境界。 於精神錯亂的異想世界裡,慾望、焦慮、狂怒與死亡具體闡述主角超越自我的要素,交織錯綜,尋求重新定位自我的存在價值。從這觀點檢視《美妙時光》中四位年輕人的暴力行為,儘管刻畫了性格的多重轉變與黑暗的心靈層面,卻帶給主角們無限幻想。


慾望 真實層 超我 自戀 歪像 矛盾基模 昇華


Traversing the traumatic impasse engenders excitement, but negates the significant existence. This dilated excitement around the subject gives rise to much illusion by means of desirable obsession and insane mind. The excessive illusion is likely to manipulate or eliminate the innate subjectivity. To probe into the illusion, the psychoanalytical reading in this thesis sets out to deal with the conflicting interrelations between catastrophes and psychotic illusion. This study demonstrates Elfriede Jelinek’s Wonderful Wonderful Times as a paradigm for the understanding of the psychotic discourses and structural aspects of the novel. Accordingly, the study integrates Slavoj Žižek’s concepts such as the Real, excess aggressivity, and anamorphic image to examine the fascination of violence or to apprehend the dynamic transformation within subjectivity. The first chapter discusses the close connections between ecstasy of the Real and the reality. The irruption of the Real heralds the “grimace of reality” that transgresses the boundaries of exterior restriction and interior obsession. Also, the chapter attempts to uncover the guilty guise of the superego lavished upon the four juvenile protagonists. Varied internal obsessions with the illusory matrix detached from real life are exhibited through many scenes in the context. Chapter Two reveals a narcissistic propensity in light of the four protagonists’ illusory deeds and reserved suicidal tendency. The circulation of narcissism explains how the four protagonists concede that their life is thoroughly manipulated, without any alleviation. Infused with the narcissistic fantasy, the four protagonists fail to endure the depressing reality; they seek the mythical desire instead, and encounter the imminent death with respect to their insane subjectivity. Chapter Three extends the previous discussions on the enjoyment to the scenarios of ambivalent paradigm and anamorphic image. The ambivalent paradigms and anamorphic images further elucidate the sublime states of the juvenile protagonists’ mind. Specifically, since the sublime state reflects the evocative power of pleasure beyond the ingrained conventions, the subject may have been indulged in a phantasmatic abyss in which innate subjectivity is transformed into nullity. In doing so, nullity attests to the dominance over real life. It is this bewitching transformation that enables the psychoanalytical examination of the protagonists under the obsessions with desire, violence, and anxiety. The psychotic obsessions, though as risky temptation, culminate in intimate connection with a vision of mirage. Hence, the emergent mirage not only makes a distinctive in the ingrained life but also fulfills the lack of reality as well as confers the mental distortions on the subject/the four juvenile protagonists.


Works Cited
Bernstein, Richard J. Radical Evil : A Philosophical
Blackhan, H.J.. Six Existentialist Thinkers. London:
Routledge, 1991.
in Psychoanalysis.London: Karnac, 2003.
