  • 學位論文


The Study of the Chinese Communist Party Cultivated in Political Elites

指導教授 : 張五岳


事物的客觀存在與發展,不以人的主觀意志為轉移。按照馬克思主義哲學觀點,任何事物,無論是自然、社會、歷史,還是人類思維,都存在不以人的主觀意志為轉移的客觀規律。在認識規律、把握規律、並按照規律去觀察事物的前提下,才能正確發展人類主觀意志本身的創造性。而事務內部的矛盾不斷產生、運動和解決的過程就是「發展」。舊的矛盾解決後,新的矛盾又因之而產生。往復循環,事物按此規律螺旋式向前發展,「矛盾」即為發展的動力。 由此觀察中共政治菁英培養,可以發現中共自從建政以來,政治菁英培養始終擺盪在「紅」(意識形態取向)與「專」(技術專業取向)的矛盾之間。在新民主主義時期,中共為了恢復戰後經濟,以便快速向社會主義過渡,啟用了大批技術專業官僚,此時「專」略勝過了「紅」。在三面紅旗時期,「紅」與「專」則發生激烈路線鬥爭,互有勝場。但在文革時期,「紅」完全取代了「專」,也造成當時中國大陸的政治動盪、經濟凋敝。改革開放後,為了重建中國大陸的「官僚理性」,中共政治菁英多從技術專業官僚中培養,「專」又領先了「紅」。 但是,值得注意的是,當代中共政治菁英培養,「紅」與「專」並非完全相互對立、相互排斥的路線,而是相互滲透、相互證成的辯證關係。當前中國大陸強調經濟發展,所以亟需大量技術專業人才,然而政治目標只是退為次位,並未完全被取代。中共政治菁英的培養過程中,對於「黨性」、「黨德」的純潔性,以及對於「堅持共產黨領導」、「堅持中國特色社會主義」的忠誠度,仍是重要的評鑑標準。 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM030-01


The objective existence does not transfer with subjective will. According to Marxist philosophy, nothing transfers with human’s subjective will no matter on science, social studies, history, or human thoughts. In the understanding rule, the assurance rule, and in terms of the rule, can develop the human subjective will of creativeness correctly. But the affairs internal contradiction unceasingly with the movement and the solution process is “development”. The old contradiction was solved, with the result that the new one would be come up. The affairs develop with spiral type forward according to this rule, repeatedly, “contradictory” namely for development power. Thus, by observing the political elites cultivated model in the central of Chinese Communist Party could discover the model of the central, has swayed in the contradiction between “the ideology orientation” and “the technical specialized orientation” all along since establishing the government. The Chinese Communist Party recover the postwar economy in new democracy time, with the aim of being socialism fast, has begun using a lot of technical specialized bureaucrat; this time “the technical specialized orientation” has exceeded “the ideology orientation” slightly. In Three Red Flag times, it had intense struggle between “the ideology” and “the expert”, and had the victory mutually. But in the Cultural Revolution time, “the ideology” had substituted “the expert” completely, also had caused Mainland China turbulent politics and depressed economy. After reform and open policy, the central of Chinese Communist Party had cultivated political elites from technical specialized bureaucracy in order to reconstruct rational bureaucracy of Mainland China; “the expert” had got ahead “the ideology” for the time being. But, it is noteworthy that the central of Chinese Communist Party cultivates political elites in present age, “the ideology” is not opposite of “the expert” or exclusion completely but infiltration and dialectic relations mutually. Mainland China emphasizes economic development currently, and therefore needs the massive technical experts. However, the political objective only draws back the inferior position, not be substituted completely. In the cultivated process, it is still important estimate standard regarding the purity of “party character”,” party morality”, and the loyalty of “insisted that Chinese Communist Party leads”, “insisted Chinese characteristic socialism”. 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM031-01


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